Happy Hell Night
25 years, and he just sat in his cell. And probably ate the spiders which weaved that web.
Happy Hell Night is a slasher horror movie from the year 1992.
During an initiation dare in the late sixties, group of kids held a mock black magic ritual to revive a corpse of a late priest Zachary Malius and, to their dismemberment, find out that the corpse is now a vessel to a murder-happy demon.
Authorities lock Malius up in a madhouse and the town tries its best to forget the whole thing. But 25 years later, another initiation dare is planned and this time it involves of taking a picture of a certain madhouse patient...
No relation to Hell Night.
Tropes used in Happy Hell Night include:
- Accidental Murder
- Agony of the Feet
- An Arm and a Leg: Ralph loses his hand before finally getting offed by Malius.
- Bald of Evil
- Bear Trap
- Bedlam House
- Black Eyes of Evil: Malius' eyes.
- Blood From the Mouth
- Blood Is Squicker in Water: One victim is found in a bathtub.
- Chained to a Bed
- Chekhov's Gun: Surgical tools at the mental institution and the pickaxe on the fraternity's wall.
- Dangerous Windows
- Dead Line News
- Deal with the Devil: Eventually led to the carnage on hand.
- Death by Sex
- Demonic Possession
- Destination Defenestration: Malius gets harpooned through a window.
- Dramatic Thunder
- Drop What You Are Doing
- Evil Albino
- Eye Scream
- Face Revealing Turn
- Fan Service
- Filth: Bara has installed camera's all over the fraternity house and uses them to record sexual encounters.
- Flashback Echo
- Ghost Butler: When Ralph steps into Malius' cell, the door behind him closes itself.
- Harpoon Gun: Eric picks up one in the attic.
- Hollywood Satanism
- Impromptu Tracheotomy
- Instant Sedation
- Life or Limb Decision: When caught in a bear trap, Malius cuts his arm off with a scalpel.
- Lightning Reveal
- Living Statue: Malius' influence causes a life-sized crucifix come to life.
- Love Triangle
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: Malius' catchphrase is "No [something]", "No Sex", "No TV", etc.
- Mirror Scare
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Is it really a surprise that a man called Malius ended up as a demon-possessed killer?
- No Peripheral Vision
- No-Tell Motel: Sonny and have steamy time there.
- Nobody Here but Us Statues: Malius poses as a mannequinn at one point.
- Not Quite Dead
- Off with His Head
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse
- Powerful Pick: Malius' Weapon of Choice.
- Rain of Blood
- Screaming Woman
- Shirtless Scene
- Shower Scene
- Sinister Minister: Inadvartently, though.
- Slashed Throat
- Too Dumb to Live
- Under Crank
- Your Cheating Heart
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