Happy Appy

He helps kids all day? Yeah, sure.

Happy Appy is a Creepypasta by the user 'Dronian' on the Creepypasta Wiki, about a man who discovers a lost Nick Jr. series. At first, it seems normal; Happy Appy is an apple who goes around healing kids who get injured. After a couple of episodes, it gets progressively worse and worse. One of the final (televised) episodes has an uncanny resemblance to 9/11, that shows two towers burning up, a plane stuck in one tower, and a kid being crushed by debris. After watching the first 10 episodes, the blogger is stalked by a creature he dubs 'Forenzik'.

Happy Appy was recently completed, and it (and its sequels) are very popular on the Creepypasta Wiki. On the Lost Episodes category page, it is second in the eight most visited pages that are Lost Episodes, beating "Suicidemouse.avi", "Squidward's Suicide" and "Candle Cove" (and is only beaten by "Dead Bart"). Its second sequel, Forenzik, takes up the third spot on the list.

Has a character page here, and you can read it here.

It has two sequels; Fright House Screamers, which documents on a show often referenced in the pasta, and Forenzik, which is a biography on Forenzik himself, and also contains the Forenzik Journals, which is so far only on the Happy Appy Wiki. It is best to read Happy Appy first, as both stories contain spoilers.

Tropes used in Happy Appy include:

Happy Appy

  • Abandoned Area: The studio, which almost burned to the ground. Also, the summer camp, where Forenzik is living.
  • All There In The Rough Drafts: The rough drafts of Happy Appy reveal quite a few things not added, like Kevin Costo's middle name (Seward) and Gerasim's original name (Rodger Forstner), as well as what happened to the kids when they watched "The Towers".
  • Bloodier and Gorier
  • Blue Eyes: Happy Appy.
  • Breather Episode: "Happy and the Rhubears" can be considered one, wedged between "The Happy Appy Movie" and "Camp Aaah!"
  • Car Fu: In "Mean Miranda", Happy says, "Bully one more kid, and you will get a surprise." Miranda bullies a kid, and Happy gets into his van and runs her over. It doesn't kill her, however; she is healing in "Happy Goes to the Circus". And the time when the blogger hits Forenzik with his car.
  • Character Title
  • Christmas Episode: "Happy Happy Christmas".
  • Cool Mask: Forenzik has a gas mask with Happy Appy's smile painted on it.
  • Crossover: "Happy Meets the Rhubears".
  • Dead Guy on Display: Forenzik's 'trophies'.
  • Death Glare: Happy does this in the later episodes, combined with a Thousand-Yard Stare.
  • Death Is Cheap: Within the show, Happy is killed several times, but except the last time, he's either revived by somebody else, or just reforms himself with no explanation as to how.
  • Don't Go in The Woods: You shouldn't. Seriously, you really shouldn't go into the woods. The blogger does go there, and finds the bodies of Kevin Costo, Blair Meyes and Miranda.
  • Doorstopper: It's a very long pasta. At 109,922 bytes, it is the 6th biggest page on the Creepypasta Wiki. The True Vision is even longer! If all stories from the True Vision were added together (as of 1/17/12), it would equal a whopping 154,339 bytes (120,339 for Happy Appy, 14,251 for Fright House Screamers, and 19,809 for Forenzik/The Forenzik Journals (the latter of the two currently unfinished when this was posted)). If the True Vision was added to the wiki, it would be the 4th biggest page.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Quite a lot in the pasta (like Happy Appy and "Mean Miranda", to mention two).
  • Expository Theme Tune: All three incarnations of the theme song has diffrent lyrics, but the same message; Happy 'helps' children.

Theme for Season 1 and 2 (minus Hospital Doctor):

Happy Appy Appy Ap,
Happy Ap, Happy Ap!
Happy Appy Appy Ap,
He helps kids all day!

Hospital Doctor Theme:

Happy Appy helps those kids,
Happy App, Happy App!
Happy Appy Appy Appy,
Happy Appy Appy!

Season 3 Theme:

Yo, there's an apple who's a yapple who loves to help,
Then there's these kids that want him to go to hell.
Ooooh, Happy Appy,
Aaaaaah, Happy Appy,

  • Gross Up Close-Up: One of the golden apples in "Happy Appy and the Golden Apple" gets a close up, and is quoted as being "shriveled up to an almost sickening shape".
  • Humanoid Abomination
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Not many copies survive of the episodes of Happy Appy. In fact, there is only one clip of Happy Appy on YouTube, and it's the 'Classroom' episode.
  • Meaningful Name: Happy Appy. He is a happy apple.
  • Multiple Endings: Happy Appy and the Golden Apple has three endings: the Bad Ending, where Happy Appy eats the apple and dies; the Normal Ending, where the Golden Apple works half the time it should, and the Good Ending, where the Golden Apple can heal anybody.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Forenzik. In chronological order, Forenzik had the studio collapse on him, got hit with a car, and had his prosthetic arm chopped off. And yet he's still alive.
    • And then he died.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Surprisingly averted. This is mostly notable enough to list because it's quite a departure from other Creepypasta, which tend to thrive on this trope. Pretty much all of the horror is either descriptions of Gorn that's thrown at you or Forenzik quite openly stalking Gerasim.
  • Obvious Beta: "Happy Appy and the Golden Apple" is an Early/Late Beta.
  • Pyromaniac: The premise of "Lighter". Happy finds a lighter and starts setting things on fire.
  • Recut: After Dronian retconned Happy Appy and finalized it, people started to make 'sequels' to Happy Appy. Eventually, someone made a wiki so everyone could post their sequels on it. Dronian then published two pages that were a recut of Happy Appy; Happy Appy: The Missing Blog Posts, which published unseen and unused blog posts and paragraphs to the wiki, and Happy Appy: The True Vision, which is just HA: TMBP added to the Happy Appy you see on the Creepypasta Wiki. The posts add more explanation to the story (like how Gerasim wants to expose Happy Appy, and a more detailed replay of Happy Appy and the Golden Apple). It's unfinished (as of December 14th), yet Dronian says there's more updates headed it's way (like the refix of the narmy parts).
    • There's also the rough drafts of the story, which Dronian says that they will eventually be added sometime in the future.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Forenzik's gas mask has red eyes.
  • Retcon: Any part not written by Dronian has now been deleted.
  • Rule of Three: Three seasons, three theme songs, the three fragments mentioned on June 28th, the three episodes on July 17th (plus the fake Happy Appy Movie, part 2), the three acts, etc.
  • Schiff One-Liner: "That's natural, children."
  • Space Episode: "Happy in Space".
  • Stylistic Suck: As it's a journal, it is poorly written in many areas, especially action scenes.
  • Symbolic Blood: Any fruit puppet in Happy Appy, if injured, bleed juice, which depends on what kind of fruit it is (Happy bleeds apple juice, the Oranges bleed orange juice, and Derry Berry might bleed blackberry juice).
  • The Wiki Rule: Yep.
  • Theme Tune Cameo: The Theme Tune can be heard playing from the van's radio in every episode.
  • Vacation Episode: "Happy's Vacation".

Fright House Screamers

Forenzik and the Forenzik Journals

  • Diary: The Forenzik Journals.
  • Prequel: Forenzik documents his life all the way to when he kills Kevin Costo.
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