Happle Tea

Lil K, Sasquatch and God (in kitty form)
A Web Comic about mythology and other things written by Scott Maynard. It stars a boy named Lil K, who lives with a Sasquatch and has all sorts of wacky adventures. Updates on Tuesdays and Fridays. Can be found here.
Notable about this comic is the author's commentary that accompanies the strips. These are often just as humorous as the comic itself, and grant the reader some insight on mythology.
Tropes used in Happle Tea include:
- Abhorrent Admirer: The frog princess.
- Alt Text: For some strips.
- Art Evolution
- Author Avatar: K
- Ax Crazy: K has his moments.
- Don't Fear the Reaper: The title of this strip. Subverted in the author's comments:
"Actually wait... DO fear the reaper."
- Cute Kitten: God usually takes the form of a kitty when he's hanging out with K.
- Frogs and Toads: One strip references the standard Princess and The Frog plot, having K kiss a frog who then turns into a rather gonky princess.
- The Grim Reaper
- Innocent Innuendo: This strip.
- Mundane Utility: "The Next Level".
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: God hopes more than one skin tone will make things more interesting.
- Owl Be Damned: The author is obsessed with owls, so naturally they show up a lot.
- Pals with Jesus
- Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs: Apparently, Joseph Smith did.
- The Rant
- Remember the New Guy?:
"What do you mean you've never met Richard? He has lived here for five years! He delivered your baby! He is the godfather of your child!"
- Required Secondary Powers: Averted. Helios is not immune to UV radiation.
- Rule of Funny: Exodus's plague of darkness was probably about Yahweh demonstrating superiority over the Egyptian solar deity, Ra, but acknowledging the logic behind the otherwise harmless lack of sunlight wouldn't make for a funny comic.
- Sasquatch: Lil K's roommate.
- Skyward Scream: "FAAAATHER!!! I will avenge you!!"
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Here.
- Vague Age: How old is Lil K anyway? Even the author isn't sure. He claims to be eleven in one strip, and eight in another.
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