Hana Kimi

Short for Hanazakari no Kimitachi e ("For All of You in Full Blossom").
Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese girl who is living in the United States, develops a interest in track and field athlete Izumi Sano after seeing him on television. She becomes so infatuated that she decides she will go back to Japan and attend the same school as he does, just to meet him and become his friend. She is so determined that she doesn't care that the private boarding school Sano goes is an all-male one.
We all know where this is going.
Mizuki enters, and luck is with her: she is not only assigned to the same class as Sano, she becomes his roommate! Unfortunately, she soon discovers that Sano has abandoned the field after a lesion, and his athletic career has become a touchy issue.
She is soon discovered, first by the gay school doctor (but he agrees to maintain her secret), and then by Sano himself. Fortunately, she doesn't notice this last, and Sano decides to maintain and protect her secret until he discovers her real intentions or she tells him directly. That turns to be the best decision, since she isn't very good maintaining the Bifauxnen facade, and if no one discovers her by her slips it is because the rest of the students are victims of a Somebody Else's Problem field mixed with Clark Kenting.
Soon, Mizuki is slowly involved in the school costumes and the little intrigues between her classmates, while at the same time she gets involved in the difficult situations around Sano and his family, helping him to overcome his problems and return to the track.
Since this is a Shoujo manga, there are also a lot of romantic entanglements, but the most notorious is the one between Mizuki, Sano and Shuichi Nakatsu, a boy who is in love with Mizuki but ignores her real gender and wonders whether he is really gay....
There is no Animated Adaptation of this manga yet, but three live action adaptations under similar names, one each in Japan, Taiwan and Korea, have been released.
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council
- A-Cup Angst: Mizuki wishes her boobs were bigger. At the same time, she realizes being a Pettanko helps her stay hidden among boys.
- Almost Kiss: A couple between Sano and Mizuki, at least one between Nakatsu and Mizuki, as well.
- Ambiguously Gay: Himejima. If he's not actually gay, he is at the least very camp.
- Anchored Ship: Dr. Umeda with both his high school flame Ryoichi and the persistent Akiha.
- Ascended Fangirl: Gone way past just being friends.
- Attempted Rape: Sano to the rescue!
- Aura Vision: Kayashima
- Beach Episode
- Beautiful Dreamer: Sano to Mizuki and vice-versa. They actually end up sleeping in the same bed quite a bit, resulting in Sano having long nights of trying to control his libido.
- Nakatsu to Mizuki, wherein he almost kisses her. He stops though, and tortures himself over what this could mean.
- Big Brother Instinct: Shizuki is very protective of Mizuki. He also dotes on her like crazy.
- Bifauxnen
- Bishonen: Nakao, Nanba, Sano... the list goes on. There are a lot of very beautiful men in this manga.
- Boys Love
- But Not Too Foreign: Mizuki's brother Shizuki is half-Japanese, half-American.
- Camp Gay: Nakao and Akiha
- Cannot Spit It Out
- Casanova: Nanba
- Cast Full of Gay: *Inhales* Umeda, the many unnamed lovers of Umeda, Nakao, Kujou, Kadoma, Mizuki(the male one from the early 1900s), Satoru, Himejima (questionable, but the level of campness is not), Akiha, Ryoichi...
- Actually, Word of God says that the only gay character in the series is Umeda, so the others are either Bisexual, have a Single-Target Sexuality, or are just really, really close friends.
- Closet Key: Arguably Dr. Umeda.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: When Nakao screams the house down in Ch 142 in defense of Mizuki despite his myriad reasons to resent him.
- Cute Little Fangs: Nakatsu is known to sport them. So is Julia.
- Dance of Romance: Between Sano and Mizuki, naturally.
- A Day in the Limelight: Kayahima is lucky enough to occasionally get an arc that seriously involves him. He's also gotten a sidestory.
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: A few of the almost kisses have been whilst Mizuki was slumbering.
- First-Name Basis: Nakatsu calls most people be their first name. Oddly enough, he doesn't call Kayahima by his name, despite being roommates and seemingly close friends with him.
- Genki Girl: Mizuki
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Azuma Umeda is 54yo, looks 25 & Seira Umeda who is 51, looks only about 20.
- Green-Eyed Monster: There is a lot of jealously going around. Nakao attacks anyone who goes after Nanba, Nakatsu gets jealous when Mizuki is given attention, and Sano and Mizuki get jealous a lot when the other is being flirted with.
- Huge Guy Tiny Guy: Kujou and Kadoma.
- Incompatible Orientation: This is the reason Nakao's love for Nanba will always remain unrequited.
- Indirect Kiss: In the words of Nakatsu, a second-hand smooch.
- Insult to Rocks: Sano comments that calling Masao a savage is rude to savages.
- I See Dead People: Kayashima
- Kissing Under the Influence: Sano kisses everybody when he's drunk.
- Love Triangle
- No Periods, Period: An aversion, which acknowledges the fact that the heroine must hide this important sign of her femininity, and even promotes the advantages of Japanese feminine hygiene products in contra position with their American counterparts.
- Older Than They Look: Azuma and Seira, Dr. Umeda's parents.
- One-Gender School
- Plucky Girl: Mizuki is definitely one
- Recursive Crossdressing: Mizuki has on occasion been forced to 'crossdress' as a girl.
- Say My Name: Nanba and Kanako are turned on by this in a remembered sex scene.
- Secret Keeper: Sano and Dr. Umeda know that Mizuki is a girl and help her cover her tracks.
- Secret Secret Keeper: She doesn't know that Sano knows her secret.
- Sitch Sexuality
- Sleep Cute: Sano and Mizuki, many, many times
- Sweet Polly Oliver: Mizuki
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: How Nakatsu feels about Mizuki.
- Talking in Your Sleep: Sano overhears Mizuki say, "Sano, you're so sexyyy."
- Team Pet: Yūjirō.
- Thanks for the Mammary: This is how Sano discovers Mizuki is a girl, and possibly how Dr. Umeda does, as well.
- Those Two Guys: Noe and Sekime
- UST: You have a girl disguised as a boy sharing a room with a boy that knows she is a girl but she doesn't know he knows, and they each have a crush on the other. There's a lot of this.
- Where Are They Now? Epilogue: Though Mizuki decides to leave Osaka High when her secret's in danger of being exposed, she and Izumi do manage to become an official couple during their college years in the epilogue.
- Yaoi Guys: Several, but most notably Dr. Umeda and his various lovers. Apparently his gayness even allowed him to see through Mizuki's disguise. Apparently being gay means you can do that, somehow.
- It wasn't actually his gayness, but more his profession of, you know, being a school doctor. Somehow when you open a shirt to stop breathing constrictions and see boobs wrapped under a shirt, you *know* that it's a female you're dealing with.