
Hamsterball is a Mad Marble Maze made by Raptisoft.

The main game mode is Tournament, where the goal is to race against the clock to the goal of 15 races that get progressivly harder as the game goes on. Any time left over is carried on to the next race, so speeding through the early races is essential.

Time Attack challenges you to finish one of the races to get bronze, silver or gold medals, based on time. There is also a Golden Weasel trophy for an even better time than the gold medal.

Multiplayer features 2-player racing on any of the unlocked races and up-to-4 player 'Rodent Rumble' games, where the goal is to knock your opponents of the arena while not falling off yourself.

A sequel has been announced for 2012.

Tropes used in Hamsterball include:
  • Nightmare Fuel: Bonk. The. Hammer.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The Sequel.
  • Blackout Basement: The Neon Race.
  • The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: Playing 2-player in The Master Race? Bonk The Hammer doesn't destroy the whole path when he appears.
  • Difficulty Spike: The Tower race is easy-medium, The Up Race is easy-medium, The Neon Race is medium, The Expert Race WILL beat you on your first playthrough.
  • Easy Mode Mockery: On Pipsqueak mode, not only are you unable to unlock tracks, arena's and the Mirror Tournament, your scoring is halved.
  • Eternal Engine: The Impossible Race, despite the game being designed for slower computers.
  • Final Exam Boss: The Master Race features many enemies and obstacles from the previous races.
  • Goddamned Bats: The enemies can at most smash your ball, none can make you lose directly.
  • Gravity Screw: The Odd Race.
  • Mad Marble Maze: Well, it was based on Marble Madness...
  • Mirror World: The Mirror Tournament, just like Mario Kart!
  • Nintendo Hard: If the normal tournament doesn't qualify, the Frenzied difficulty does.
    • In terms of races, the Master Race would in the original version, with the Impossible Race taking over in the second version.
  • No Plot, No Problem: No plot whatsoever!
  • Slippy-Slidey Ice World: The Glass Race, while not technicly being made of ice, will frustrate you to no end due to this.
  • That One Level: The Impossible Race. Nothing else to say.
    • If you're trying to do it fast, the Expert race can easily qualify...
  • Updated Rerelease: Adding the Neon Race, Glass Race and Impossible Race, with their corresponding arenas.
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