Hamster Alliance

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    "Hey I'm Hamster and this is [insert game title here]!"
    Hamster's usual introduction.

    A YouTube User known for his music and video game playthroughs, Hamster frequently provides entertainment through witty commentary and as of his LP of Super Meat Boy; letting you enjoy his eternal suffering.

    Games Hamster has Lets Played

    VARIOUS indie games and lesser known titles.

    Hamster Alliance provides examples of the following tropes:

    *Hamster playing as Chris is clumsily leaned on by an obviously infected woman* "Hey baby."
    *Woman hisses and tentacle like appendages shoot from her mouth in a grotesque and painful display*
    Hamsters co-op partner: wha-?
    "Those are some dick suckin' lips!"

      • Most of the game is largely the pair of them poking fun and snarking to one another about the generally horrific happenings of the plot; this proves to make it all the more entertaining.
    • Deadpan Snarker: Most definitely!
    • Evil Laugh: At the end of his one-shot LP of Blueberry Garden.
    • Laughing Mad: Pretends to do this during his Amnesia LP. It's unexpected and his quick dismissal of supposedly going crazy invokes much laughter from a viewer.
      • Also happens in the SMB LP. Whether it's completely pretend or not is another matter...
    • Large Ham: Does this deliberately to hilarious effect.
    • Megane
    • Oh Crap: Has had a few instances of this during his various playthroughs.
    • Screams Like a Little Girl: Frequently does this when he gets surprised or scared.
    • Snark-to-Snark Combat: His co-op recording of Resident Evil 5 with a friend has frequent bouts of this.
      This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.