Halo: Reach/WMG

Noble Six isn't dead.

  • If you look at the final cut scene, Noble Six is completely obscured by the Sangheili when he/she goes down and we don't actually see the energy sword piercing anything, just the start of a thrust. And we know for sure that Six has dealt with that very situation before, back in the first level. There's enough room in there to argue about Noble Six's ultimate fate without resorting to an outright Retcon.
    • It's quite doable. Six is a Hyper Lethal Vector, and a "lone wolf" to boot. This is right up his/her alley. As for why everyone thinks s/he is actually dead, s/he could be hiding. Why? I dunno. Maybe Jorge survived too and they're doing Spartan stuff together?
    • It was probably for the sake of the developer that now controls the franchise. Besides, who wants to see their PC die? You have to admit, it was a pretty hopeless situation. Multiple Zealots and one unarmed spartan? I think even Master Chief would have a fun time with this one.
    • Except for the fact that Admiral Danforth Whitcomb was on the planet, had commandeered the remaining SPARTAN IIs he could find and they were, in his words "Performing guerrilla actions, and raising all kinds of hell." They could have easily Swooped in to save Noble Six at the last minute, having been rushing to aid the Pillar of Autumn's escape from Reach.
      • Possible, I suppose, but probably just wishful thinking. Noble Six is dead, even if we wished he/she wasn't.
    • It's a nice thought, but I doubt it. Halsey makes it abundantly clear in her closing narration that s/he died on Reach. Though I do agree with you, and wish that s/he had lived.
      • At the same time, it could just as easily be explained that her belief that Noble Six died was an assumption on her part.
        • Or that speech might be non-canon, what with her being supposed to be stuck in the Micro Dyson Sphere that was Onyx's core.
      • Um that's likely the other way around.
        • It is. The game canon overwrites book canon. You can't change that.
          • Actually, its the other way. Books are the solid basis. Stuff in the games is flexable.
    • Maybe 6 is is Cryo-chamber? Seeing as pointed above we never actually see 6 die. Reach fell August 30th 2552. The overall war was over March 3rd 2553. Being in suspended animation would explain why he/she wasn't in the first three games. she/he was recovering.
      • If the above post is true and Six managed to get out just at the end of the war he would of been in stasis for 185 days. If that is divided by 6 which would be the six full months 6 was in stasis it gives us 30.83333333333332 according to my calculator. The main point is 30. Add the one day Six would've spent August 31st and the three in March for 4 days. Divide 4 by 30 and you get 7.5 the main number we're looking at is 7. What number does Bungie just love to pop out at every chance? 7.
  • Except the entire purpose of the very first scene in the campaign is to show that Noble 6 dies.
    • Bungie pretty much says in their Legendary commentary that Six has died. Here, 8:32 or so. They place a lot of emphasis on "this is the very first time you legitimately die in a Halo game.”
      • Not to be rude, but at the end of the campaign, Six is only twenty feet away from his/her helmet when he/she "dies". I don't recall seeing a body behind the helmet at the beginning.
        • Of course not, we're looking at the helmet, the helmet is looking at Six. We're inhabiting the body of Noble Six even then.
    • The biggest hole in this idea is that we see fifty years into the future. If Six survived, Halsey would've found out by then.
      • Unless, of course, Six doesn't want to be found. Reach is a big planet, and there's lots of places the Covenant didn't touch. And the UNSC can't exactly be looking. Maybe s/he met up with Soren-66 from the short story Pariah, and went into hiding together to avoid the Covenant.

The Zealot squads which bookend the main campaign are the same squad - a Covenant version of Noble Team.

  • Halsey states that the Covenant's MO is to send Elite Zealot teams after important artifacts and data. The leader of this team, the Field Marshall, realized that the Spartans were somehow linked to the data from the relay and spent the rest of the game hunting them. Their armor isn't (entirely) a retcon of the Zealot design; it's customized for their missions, like Noble's own armor.

Jun will be the focus of 343 Industries' first game.

  • At the end of Reach, Jun is given the job of escorting Halsey to CASTLE Base. As a result, Jun survives the Fall of Reach, eventually linking up with the Master Chief to perform Operation: FIRST STRIKE (in which most of the Covenant Fleet was destroyed), and making it back to Earth just in time to Fight For Her. Regret's two assault carriers were taken care of, but the thirteen cruisers made it to surface and were causing all kinds of havoc. He's gonna have his work cut out for him.
    • Perhaps he'll be part of the squad Linda was in an go to Onyx.
    • Original poster here. Since Jun is (supposedly) a Cold Sniper, the gameplay will focus mainly on stealth and making long-range precision kills, much as in ODST, where you had to more cautious and careful about how you approached combat.
    • Actually, there's been talks and a couple news articles that seem to indicate 343's first game will be a remake of Halo 1, with the Reach engine.
    • Turns out that 343i's first full game is Halo 4. The Halo: Combat Evolved re-make is largely being outsourced to Certain Affinity (a studio staffed primarily by Bungie alumni who previously made DLC maps for Halo 2 and Halo: Reach.)

Jun will be offscreened (paged, whatever!) in a throwaway paragraph of the Updated Rerelease of First Strike.

  • Look into your heart; you know it to be true! Halsey will describe how he died to get her to safety, and we will never hear of him again. It'll save effort on the rerelease.
  • On the other hand, Halsey says everyone else evacuated when asked by the Spartan-IIs, in First Strike. This could include her Spartan protector who she felt would be of better use on the battlefield.
    • Jossed. He was never mentioned.

Kat was killed by Yik, Slayer of Men.

  • The only (known) Jackle with the skill to kill a running spartan with one hit from a non-sniper weapon from a moving phantom. plus, there was no scope light thing most jackle snipers use, and which Yik is known to avoid using.
    • Nope, it was the Elite Field Marshall (Also seen killing Emile)
      • ^That was definitely a Zealot who killed Emile... though it is possible that the Field Marshall you have to fight after he dies is Kat's murderer.
        • Dude, Field Marshalls ARE Zealots. Field Marshall is a high Zealot-class elite rank.

Co-Op Halo 1 and 2 are an AU where Emile wasn't skewered and sacrificed himself so Six could escape.

  • During the time between 2 and 3 Six was killed.
    • He could have just got separated during the jump off of the Key ship. Much like in Long Night of Solace, he is dropped off in the boondocks and doesn't have time to make it back before the battle at Voi. Must... write... fanfiction!
    • Except in the Halo: Fall of Reach book from years ago they explicitly write an out with Linda-058 being the other Spartan possibility for Co-Op. She gets wounded just enough to be rushed into Cryo with the hope they can save her.
      • Then in that case, Linda is second player, Six is third, and Jun is probably fourth. Since co-op mode is non-cannon anyway, why not?

Firefight is the afterlife for Six.

  • Six was KIA but he/she lives on in another realm fighting Covenant soldiers in Valhallah. This eternity is not an unhappy one as Six is clearly enjoying him/herself, evident by the laughs and chuckles. Even after death, Six continues on doing what Spartans do best.
    • Alongside the rest of Noble Team, fighting side-by-side for the rest of eternity. There are far worse fates than this.
      • But hang on, the Chief, Cortana and Buck are also Firefight voices. Does this mean they're dead too?!
      • Not quite, those still alive appear as dreamers, since it is impossible for them to appear in their true forms, only as self-created manifestations.
        • Everyone dies eventually.
          • That suggests that everyone's fate is to go to a place where they kill and die for eternity. Noble Team ends up there because, well, that's how they died. If all the others are there, it suggests they died in combat as well.
          • This theory could apply to multiplayer in general. Spartans doing the thing they were made to do for all eternity, as well as keeping a standing rivalry with the Elites. They didn't name that Halo 3 map "Valhalla" for nothing.
            • Well, it would handily explain griffball. How else could they invent a game that got them killed everytime they scored?
              • The SPARTAN-IIIs were trained as expendable suicide troops. They're just fulfilling their duty.

Emile is the son of Sargeant Johnson.

  • It was the only time he beat the dog over the fence

Jorge and Sadie are related.

  • I'm not sure how, maybe they are cousins, maybe they were really good childhood friends, hell, maybe they were pen-pals. T don't know.
    • This seems to be a pretty poor troll. Sadie is African, Jorge is Hungarian. Jorge was born on Reach, Sadie was born in East Africa. Sadie is nineteen, Jorge is in his forties. Spartans don't have pen pals, their whole world is the other Spartans. So no, they never met or were related to each other in any way, shape or form. Ever.
      • More likely, if this true at all, is that Jorge is related to Sara Soravad. After all, they both are from Reach, possibly the same area (Jorge mentions a couple territories on the planet during his conversation with her, possibly one of which he himself was from), and Sara's dad Laszo Soravad was a little older than Jorge. But still highly unlikely.

Noble Six committed genocide against the Skirmishers

  • That's the reason there aren't any in any of the other Halo games. Every single one died on Reach trying to hunt down Noble Six and the other Spartans during their last stand. Or if not all, enough so that staying with the covenant was no longer practical.
    • That's reallllly impressive, considering how much of a fucking pain in the ass they are to kill.

Skirmishers and Jackals are males and females, respectively.

  • Since they are a bird-like species, we can assume that they evolved similar behavior and colorations. While male birds tend to be colorful for courtship and distracting predators, female birds tend towards dull coloration for camouflage. If this is the case for the Jackals and Skirmishers, it would make sense, as the Skirmishers are colorful close-combat specialists, while Jackals are good at providing covering fire from hidden locations.
    • So you're saying that Jackals have a preference for sniper nests?
      • Jossed by Contact Harvest. Female Jackals don't have plumage on their heads.

one or more of the prophets was personally present when reach fell

  • im geussing, most likely, mercy, because he seems the type who would enjoy watching something like that.
  • My money would be on Regret, who tends to be the most aggressive of the Hierarchs, often accompanying Sanghelii conquest fleets (as he did in Halo 2.)

Cortana would have chosen to be assigned to Noble Six.

Noble Six had one thing most Spartans didn't have... A Hyper-Lethal Rating! He also had more advanced armor capable of using armor abilities, and was capable of functioning as a lone wolf or as a team member. However, since she was cloned from Dr Halsey she would share her distrust for ONI and Noble Six's shady background involving his participation in ONI activities, and would not trust him because of his file having so much black ink. Hence she chose The Master Chief John-117 despite his outdated equipment, because she had worked with him before and could bring herself to trust him,and he also had a Hyper-Lethal Rating. However, to justify the choice of a less superior Spartan, she made up something about "luck"...

  • Never mind that in canon, the Spartan-IIs are physically more powerful than the Spartan-IIIs. Cortana might've figured that a dependence on finding specialized armor abilities in a combat zone wouldn't necessarily be superior. Plus, she knew that the UNSC was developing Mark VI armor for the Spartan-IIs, allowing for dual-wielding and eliminating the need for medical kits, as well as factoring in things like the invisibility and overshield pickups in 1 & 2, or the deployable equipment in 3 (which do serve similar purposes as the armor abilities). Perhaps she figured the Chief was a better long-tern investment?
    • Nah, she picked good ol' 117 because he was 'noble, in a primal sort of way' and 'Lucky'. That last one is important, very important.
  • Cortana only chose Noble 6 to carry her, not to be assigned to him.
  • Keep in mind Spartan-III's also eventually succumb to some sort of mental derangement that hinders their ability to function. That makes selecting any of them a huge risk, especially since Noble 6's derangement was manifesting already, causing him to take "lone wolf" actions during missions.
    • For reference, on Noble Team, Jun is effectively the most functional Spartan III and that is because his derangement does not impede his abilities in any way. He is just emotionally detached from his actions to the extreme.
      • I have never heard of this "derangement". And I'm sorry, but Jun is the most functional member of the team? What about Carter? Or Kat? Hell, Carter's little speech to Six about need to work as a team and his "Lone Wolf" tendencies don't indicate that his mental state isn't what it should be, it's just that Six has worked on his own for most of his career.
      • The "derangement" is only for Gamma Company, thanks to additional mental augmentations they received. However, all of Noble Team are from Beta and Alpha Company, which never received those. And as for S-IIIs being weaker than S-IIs, they actually aren't. It depends on the individual, but Kurt-051's file on Noble Team says they were selected specifically because they were equivalent to the cream of the crop Spartan-IIs.
  • Perhaps the 'Luck' part comes from the book 'Fall of Reach' in response to how John was chosen for the Spartan II program, by the flip of a coin. Perhaps Six was originally a possible candidate for the Spartan II project, but unlike John, her/his final consideration for acceptance was decided on the flip of a coin as well and as we know Six is a Spartan III, we can take that as him/her being 'unlucky'.

The AI Noble 6 takes is not Cortana.

First, according to the books, MC had Cortana before the Covanent ever invaded (not to mention that the Autumn never left orbit in the book). Second, Halsey refers to the AI in a way that suggests it is of forerunner, not human, origin. In referring to the forerunner ship she says "this ai is it's custodian" which almost definitely confirms this WMG. The shot of a holo-figure resembling Cortana was only a bone Bungie threw to the fans who did not read the books. As far as the humans know, the Autumn's jump was random and finding the Halo was luck, but the forerunner AI actually guided their "randomized" slipspace jump to the Halo. The only bump in the theory is how such an important package simply doesn't exist in Halo 1. Either 1) Cortana (to a lesser degree) assimilated the forerunner AI or 2) the forerunner AI terminated itself after guiding the Autumn to Halo.

    • Yes and no. The AI was a fragment of Cortana who lacks her personality, and was used by Halsey for desk work and data storage. Once it got on the Autumn, the two became one.

Kat was really Harbinger.

"DIRECT INTERVENT- er, action may be necessary."

Noble 6's Armor really is...

This will lead to some interesting plot speculation...

    • Helmet: Pilot w/ Attachment
    • Visor: Silver
    • Chest: Parafoil R
    • Left Shoulder: Multithreat
    • Right Shoulder: N/A
    • Wrist: Tactical UGPS
    • Utility: Tactical Softcase
    • Knee Guards: FJ/Para
    • Color: Rust

One thing the ONI did not specify, was that Spartan B312 had been absent for a long long time following a severe injury. Losing his arm and nearly loosing the armor to an explosion. Noble Six flat out denied refreshing the metal after a prosthetic was installed. Haunted Helmet, Multithreat, UGPS, and FJ/Para Knees mainly support this theory. We basically have more than one horribly wounded soldier. What Six survived was what also made him Lethal Vector in the first place.

Reach was settled by Magyars.

Judging from Jorge and the prevalence of Hungarian, it's likely that the colony might have been part of a nationalist resettlement plan by the UNSC in the same way Katagalugan on Mars was to Filipinos.

Jorge is alive and in space somewhere

Before you all get mad at me, think about this; Jorge was inside a Slipspace capable vessel during Long Night of Solace. And the rip enveloped the entire ship. Meaning it's in one piece. All he has to do is get it working again, something not impossible for a Spartan to do, and Slip back to UNSC space.

Emile is not who he says he is.

Just something I though up while reading Emile's profile on here. We never see him take his helmet off, and his voice seems...artificial at times, like he's wearing some kind of voice masking tech in his helmet. My theory; Emile-A239 does not exist. Whoever is wearing that helmet doesn't want Noble to know who he is. My personal theory; he's actually Shane from Spartan-III Alpha Company, who somehow survived Operation PROMETHEUS and made it back to UNSC space. Why he's hiding, I don't know.

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