< Halloween (film)

Halloween (film)/Nightmare Fuel

  • Halloween is a scary film, but not quite the scariest thing you'll see. It's more suspenseful than anything. However, its musical score is both delightful and absolutely bone-chilling. Oh God, I can hear it now...
  • The most chilling moment in the film comes when you briefly see Myers standing in the street in the broad daylight, before he steps behind a hedge. It really sets up the predator/prey dynamic between him and Laurie. She is being watched...... Probably even more scary because some real-life serial killers claim to operate in this way.
  • The scariest scene in the movie comes when Laurie finds the bodies of all of her friends throughout the house. And then you see Myers slowly materialize right behind Laurie in the closet... Brr, getting chills just thinking about it.
    • Word of God makes it even scarier: It's not Michael walking into the light, it's simulating your eyes adjusting to darkness. Michael was standing there the whole time, he just wasn't visible in the dark.
  • The scene just before the credits in the first Halloween was specially unnerving. After Loomis shoots Myers over the balcony and we see his lifeless body resting below, he takes a second look and he's gone. The final scene of the film is nothing but a montage of all the moonlit houses in the neighborhood, with Michael's breathing heard over the main theme.
  • Jamie's dream sequence at the beginning of Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers.
  • Myers himself qualifies. A man who kills for the sake of killing, not to mention the eerily expressionless mask he wears. Dr. Loomis' description of Myers does not help:

"I met him fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes... the Devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil."

    • The fact that he's got literally no reason to kill. While serial killers generally have something motivating their kills, Myers has been messed up since childhood. He doesn't even kill For the Evulz. By all rights, he should be a Generic Doomsday Villain (and he kind of is). Instead, it's extremely unsettling and pure nightmare fuel.
      • And unlike his fellow slasher villains who either became more Affably Evil or goofy as time went on, Myers stayed the same. He stayed the same evil force from the first film to the last.
  • For me, it was the shot after Michael had killed Bob. Michael just looks at the corpse and studies it, tilting his head to one side. What scares me most about that scene is thinking about what was going through Michael's head.
  • In the first film, Laurie is able to grab the knife away from Michael and stab him, and he falls to one side. Laurie tells the kids to run out of the house and get help, and then just rests there in the doorway, thinking it's all over. And then Michael slowly sits up and turns his masked head at her...
  • Laurie during the ending of Rob Zombie's Halloween II. That dead look in her eyes...the creepy smile...seeing the same vision as Michael...
  • The way Michael is integrated into so many shots in the first film. There's one scene where Annie is in the kitchen talking on the phone. Directly behind her is a pair of glass doors leading outside. For a brief moment Michael can be seen standing there watching her through the glass.
  • Wow, a whole page of nightmare fuel dedicated to the Halloween series and no mention of Halloween III? That scared the shit out of me! Just the idea of a commercial looping over and over until you die is just bone-chillingly frightening. Added to the fact that this is one of the few films ever made that actually (and graphically) killed children is just...GOD!!! Silver Shamrock Novelty can go die in a hole!
  • The Soundtrack Dissonance. The damn soundtrack dissonance! Especially the way Halloween H20 uses it to call back to Halloween 2. This series will ruin Mr. Sandman for you.
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