- The fact that Haku will probably have to remind people all his life that he's a guy and that Kimimaro has become a Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant. Also this exchange in Wave Country:
Naruto: "...it's always fun to hang around there and gamble."
Neji: "Only because you're the one who always wins without cheating."
Naruto: "Hey, you seem fated to win at dice."
Neji: "Naruto, if I believed in fate, I wouldn't play with loaded dice."
- Sakura, Kimimaro, Hinata, Haku, Gaara and Sai playing a card game:
Sakura: "Hey, Kimimaro, get any threes?"
Kimimaro: "Go fish."
Hinata: "This is the most boring game ever made."
Naruto: "Neji. I know that you're a light enough sleeper to hear me. If you kick me one more time, I'm going to bite you."
Neji: *Kicks Sasuke instead*
Sasuke: "I hate all of you."
- In the Kaguya District, the kids try to be as stealthy as possible opening a door. Neji and Hinata look for switches, Sai makes mice to find latches, Haku and Gaara use their various elements to try and pry it open... And then Naruto loudly punches it open by accident. Don't say it indeed.
- "What is that?" "You know…I don't know…" "You don't know…and you're eating it?" "Haku said that once you got past the gag reflex, it opened a broad new range of food…" "Ew."
- Tsunade's I Need a Freaking Drink reaction when she recognizes the vagrant children.
- Chouji vs. Kin during the Chuunin Exams:
Chouji: (only casually dodging a hail of senbon) Whew! It's a good thing I stayed still...
Kin: Fatty, if I wanted to hit you, it wouldn't be that hard...
(Stunned Silence)
Chouji: Who are you calling fat?! I'm big-boned! YAY FOR BIG-BONED PEOPLE!
Kin: A dinosaur is big-boned, Chunky! You just have a blubber problem!
Shikimaru: (quietly) ...doomed.
- Zabuza's Comedic Sociopathy. Case in point, he wakes Naruto and others up for the final day of the Chuunin Exams by trying to behead them. He also considered killing a Konoha nin for forgetting to give him the map to the hotel they will be staying at during the Exams.
Zabuza: "I'm going to kill him."
Haku: "That would start a war."
Zabuza: "But it will make me feel so much better..."