< H3h3 Productions

H3h3 Productions/YMMV

/wiki/H3h3 Productionscreator

Radhika Sanghani: It is quite frustrating, especially when you then go out on your lunch break or you commute home and you're absolutely boiling outside. And I think there is a bit of a problem when it's warmer outside than it is inside your office.
(cut to a silent Ethan)
Ethan: ... You just described air conditioning.
(TRIGGERED shaking effects)

  • Crossing the Line Twice:
    • Ethan would sometimes repeat some of the more nonsensical and outright awkward lines from DJ Khaled and Patrice Wilson's music videos. Coming from his mouth, they go from Unfortunate Implications to hilarious.
    • The tendency to mock the various click-bait tags prank videos seem fond of using like "X GONE WRONG" or "X GONE SEXUAL."
    • Hila does this in her video purporting to be about Ethan abusing her. And failing. She even goes so far as to add this comment:
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In February 2016, Ethan made a video roasting Youtube/Facebook "prankster" Soflo Antonio, who responded by sending threatening emails of suing h3h3 for the video. Ethan made another video mocking the entire situation and then daring Soflo to follow up on his threat, which he apparently never did which made all the previous threats one big joke. Flash forward to May 2016 and Ethan and Hila are now facing real legal action from another Youtuber, Matt "Bold Guy" Hoss. The video they put out addressing it makes it clear that this is no laughing matter and they are legitimately scared about how much the ordeal will cost them financially and emotionally.
    • "My Epic Collab With Pewdiepie!!", a Cringe Comedy sketch which has PewDiePie being a total Jerk Ass to Ethan (who is Jewish to boot) was released just a week before Felix's antisemitism controversy. It gets to the point of referencing the video that would end up being his Role-Ending Misdemeanor as something that had put him in a delicate situation.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Ethan said in this Q&A that his orange beanie hat "is not for sale and will never be." Two months later, Ethan auctioned his hat at eBay for his Modern Art video (to prove a point, but still).
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: In October 2016, Ethan addressed, through We Owe you Guys an Explanation... and a Reddit comment, the changes made to the style of the channel (with more emphasis on weird vlogs, meme-inspired jokes and agressive reactions), which received a mixed reaction in the fanbase.

Ethan: It's time to stop, h3h3 Productions. These guys used to make the best videos on the Internet. "VAPE NATION," uhh-
Hila: That's it.
Ethan: Now, what are they, putting yellow goo on their face? What is this, Buzzfeed? Fuckin' h3 has gone to shit, and it's time to stop.

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