< Gypsy Curse
Gypsy Curse/Playing With
Basic Trope: A Curse which acts as Laser-Guided Karma, usually cast by a wise woman of some sort.
- Straight: Bob gets a Gender Bender Curse for dissing women around Alice of the Arcana.
- Exaggerated: Bob gets a Gender Bender curse for telling one sexist joke at a rowdy party with a lot of political incorrectness going around. Alice just happened to hear him specifically.
- Downplayed:
- Bob gets turned into a girl for a day.
- The curse will break when Bob learns his lesson.
- Justified:
- Inverted:
- Bob is overheard by Alice calling Charlie out on his sexist joke. Bob scores with a Magical Girlfriend that night, implicitly thanks to Alice's magic, and the Casanova Wannabe Charlie gets nothing.
- Alice of the Arcana overhears Bob making sexist comments... so she turns herself into a man to see if being male really is that much better.
- Subverted: Alice threatens Bob with a Gender Bender Curse, then casts a spell which... makes a flashy lightshow. Bob is unaffected.
- Double Subverted: Bob wakes up a girl the next day.
- Parodied:
- Deconstructed: Bob calls What the Hell, Hero? on Alice, and challenges her on her own morality for the Disproportionate Retribution. Violence may also ensue.
- Reconstructed: Alice reveals her Blue and Orange Morality, and fades away into the shadows before Bob can turn his wrath on her.
- Zig Zagged: Bob insults women around Alice, who threatens him with a Gender Bender Curse and casts a spell on him. It does nothing. Bob wakes up female the next day. After Hilarity Ensues, he seems to learn his lesson, and the Curse reverses itself. Bob then gets a case of Aesop Amnesia, and makes another insulting sexist comment to Claire. *Poof* - he turns into a girl again.
- Averted: Nobody gets cursed.
- Enforced: The writers want to teach An Aesop.
- Lampshaded: *poof* "Oh, don't tell me, she was a gypsy." Bob checks his chest. "DAMMIT!"
- Invoked: Alice wants to test her new Laser-Guided Karma spell, so she uses it on the first person she sees doing something "wrong", no matter how minor.
- Defied: Bob minds his manners around Alice of the Arcana, knowing her reputation.
- Exploited: Bob tricks Charlie into saying something rude around Alice, so that she curses him.
- Discussed:
- Conversed:
- Played for Laughs:
- Played for Drama:
Back to Gypsy Curse.
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