Gurren Jesus
Gurren Jesus is an epic fanfiction, that combines Kung Fu Jesus, with Kamina, as they take on Nazi's and Hitler with the power of Christ and friendship! And motorcycles.
Tropes used in Gurren Jesus include:
- Adaptation Distillation: The epic reading of an epic fanfiction. [dead link]
- Autobots Rock Out: "Highway Star" by Deep Purple is played, by angels with skill-shaped electric guitars.
- And That's Terrible: "It's not good to trick Jesus, evil Hitler!"
- Back From the Dead: Kamina, and technically Jesus.
- Badass Biker: Both Kamina and Jesus.
- Badass Nickname: JC
- Beige Prose: "Something in the background exploded and they drove their motorcycles away from it and did a high-five while driving at about a gazillion miles per hour. Jesus is a very good motorcycle driver because it's one of his god powers. Same with Kamina."
- Card-Carrying Villain: The self-described "Evil Nazis."
- Catch Phrase: "Who the hell do you think I am?" Considering the source material the phrase is an absolute requirement.
- Crossover: Between The Bible and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
- Its sequel, Truth vs. Fiction, further crosses it with the pony fanfic Anthropology, written by the same author.
- Easily Forgiven: "I'm Jesus so I still love you even though you're Nazis and I'm killing you," said Jesus. He's a pretty cool guy.
- Face Heel Turn: Chester Cheetah, who is actually Hitler.
- Finishing Move: The Prayer beam fortified with Spiral Energy.
- Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act: Completely averted.
- Jesus Was Way Cool: Portrayed as this.
- Kung Fu Jesus: It's a fan fic about Jesus fighting Nazis alongside Kamina. 'Nuff Said.
- Large Ham: Whoever opens their mouth.
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling: One of Jesus's "Jesus Powers."
- No Kill Like Overkill: Was it really necessary to use all the Spiral Energy in the galaxy, AND the power of prayer to take out Hitler?
- Yes.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: " "Hitler, I'm going to kick your ass in the name of the Father, Myself, and the Holy Ghost," said Jesus."
- "Me too," said Kamina.
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