< Gunstar Heroes

Gunstar Heroes/YMMV

  • Anticlimax Boss: In the sequel, the final boss fight is decidedly less then epic.
  • Breather Level: Level five of Gunstar Super Heroes. A ride down a shaft, a run across a flat level plain (with possibly dangerous gas vents that are harmless as long as you bother to shoot them before going past), a none too difficult miniboss, a space shoot 'em up with two more easy minibosses, and a quick section shooting bad guys while standing on the top of your ship. Even on Hard, you've got no one to blame but yourself if you dip below 50 health....
  • Ho Yay: Depending on what you think Red's gender is, Blue declaring his love for Red in one storyline of Super Heroes.
  • Uncanny Valley: A few of the bosses can invoke this effect, a couple examples include Melonbread: a vaguely clown-like face with an overly animated mouth that stares at the player character. And Curry & Rice: a humanoid-like rock creature with stiff awkward animations.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: While dated by today's standards, the 3D polygon-like effects on some of the bosses was advanced for the time (especially since it arguably looked better than Star Fox on a system that's weaker than the SNES).
    • All the sprite rotation and scaling may not seem like much until you remember the Genesis lacked the Super Nintendo's Mode 7.

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