< Gungrave
Tropes That Apply To Both Series
- Adaptation Displacement: Wait, the anime is loosely based off of a lesser-known arcade-style third person shooter?
- Ho Yay Shipping: Bob Poundmax and Balladbird Lee seem to be "very close friends".
- There's some slashy implications between Brandon and Harry as well. Arguably more than "some".
- Come to think of it, Bunji and Brandon as well.
- Pick any two guys and you can conceivably see this: Harry and Lee, Cannon Vulcan and Blood War, Bear and... Okay, maybe not Bear.
- Bear and Sid.
- Magnificent Bastard: Harry is a suave, cunning Manipulative Bastard who is fantastic at business and good with women. He also has a better image than Brandon because Brandon is the one who deals with all the necessary bloodshed.
- Moral Event Horizon: Harry shooting an unarmed Brandon after Brandon can't bring himself to shoot Harry.
- Needs More Love
- The Woobie: Arguably Mika and Grave.
Tropes That Apply To The Video Games
- Disappointing Last Level: In both games.
- It's Easy, So It Sucks/It's Short, So It Sucks: A common complaint of the original game, though it was still praised for its aesthetics.
- So Bad, It's Good: On one hand, the name Rocketbilly Redcadillac is trying so hard to be awesome that it's just stupid. On the other hand, it's so stupid that it loops back around to awesome again.
- That One Boss: Bunji in the first game, the robotic tanks in the second game.
Tropes That Apply To The Anime
- Awesome Music: The ending theme "Akaneiro ga Moeru Toki".
- Love to Hate: Harry. Having substantial amount of Character Development throughout the anime helps.
- The Scrappy: Mika is often considered to be a very weak female character. And her shrieks don't help.
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