< Gungrave


Tropes That Apply To Both Series

  • Adaptation Displacement: Wait, the anime is loosely based off of a lesser-known arcade-style third person shooter?
  • Ho Yay Shipping: Bob Poundmax and Balladbird Lee seem to be "very close friends".
    • There's some slashy implications between Brandon and Harry as well. Arguably more than "some".
    • Come to think of it, Bunji and Brandon as well.
      • Pick any two guys and you can conceivably see this: Harry and Lee, Cannon Vulcan and Blood War, Bear and... Okay, maybe not Bear.
      • Bear and Sid.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Harry is a suave, cunning Manipulative Bastard who is fantastic at business and good with women. He also has a better image than Brandon because Brandon is the one who deals with all the necessary bloodshed.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Harry shooting an unarmed Brandon after Brandon can't bring himself to shoot Harry.
  • Needs More Love
  • The Woobie: Arguably Mika and Grave.

Tropes That Apply To The Video Games

Tropes That Apply To The Anime

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