Gumnutz: A Juicy Tale
Gumnutz: A Juicy Tale is an 80-minute Australian animated film, directed by Clive Harrison and released in 2007. It follows the adventures of Claude, a neurotic and withdrawn young numbat, who inherits the struggling Gumnut Juice Factory from his step-Uncle Kelvin. Claude's nemesis is a fox called Hot Shot Charlie, and he and his cronies want to find the secret formula for Gumnut Juice and destroy the factory. Hot Shot kidnaps Uncle Kelvin, the only one who knows the formula, triggering Claude's epic journey. With an encrypted poem and a little help from his pals, Claude has to rescue Kelvin, find the secret formula, stop Hot Shot Charlie's evil plan and in the process overcome his terrible fears and shyness.
Tropes used in Gumnutz: A Juicy Tale include:
- Adorkable: Claude.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Claude.
- The Chick: Pepper.
- Deadpan Snarker: Larry.
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Majority of the central characters, including Pepper, Larry, Uncle Kelvin and Hot Shot Charlie.
- Mentor Archetype: Uncle Kelvin.
- Seldom-Seen Species: Claude is a numbat.
- The Woobie: Claude.
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