Guardians of the Galaxy (film)

Guardians of the Galaxy was a 2014 live-action film based on the comic book, directed by James Gunn and featuring an ensemble cast of Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Djimon Hounsou, John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, and Benicio del Toro. It is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
After stealing a mysterious orb, Peter Quill finds himself being pursued by Ronan and having a huge bounty on his head. Quill then made an uneasy truce with misfits, just to escape from Ronan. This leads to the motley crew to work together to stop a even bigger threat and saving the universe.
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- Advertised Extra: Taneleer Tivan (also known as The Collector) has his own poster. But he appears in one scene throughout the movie. After his defeat, he appears bruised and battered in a post-credits scene, wanting revenge on the Guardians for destroying his lair.
- Ascended Extra: Taneleer Tivan and Carina get their chance to shine after a brief introduction at the end of Thor: The Dark World. But before they could kill the Guardians, Peter uses an Infinity Stone to destroy Knowhere.
- Always Save the Girl: When Peter learns that Gamora has only minutes to live, he leaps out into space to protect her, with little regard for his own safety.
- Archnemesis Dad: Thanos, just Thanos.
- Big Bad: Ronan the Accuser.
- Cain and Abel: Nebula and Gamora.
- The Cameo: Stan Lee is a humanoid alien (aka "Mr.Smiles") talking to a brown haired alien.
- There's even a cameo of Howard the Duck.
- The Casanova / Chivalrous Pervert: Peter Quill. Notably, Gamora avoids becoming yet another one of his sexual conquests.
- Character Development: What started as a bunch of five pirate scavengers got development to become heroes, even though they're still "a-holes."
- Co-Dragons: Nebula and Korath to Ronan.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Quill saves Gamora from the Collector by touching the Power Stone.
- Disney Death:
- Groot gets destroyed by the Kree during the Final Battle, but he is doing fine.
- The Collector gets killed when Carina grabs the Power Stone. But at a post-credits scene, it is revealed that he is injured by the explosion and is still alive.
- Five-Man Band: The five archetypes are there, but their roles are more fluid than you expect.
- The Hero, with elements of The Smart Guy: Peter.
- The Lancer with elements of The Chick: Gamora.
- The Big Guy, with elements of The Hero: Drax; a Literal-Minded Blood Knight. Although not the main character, he is the one who confronts Big Bad Ronan the most.
- The Smart Guy, with elements of The Lancer: Rocket; a mechanical genius and tactical planner, but is very cynical and prone to disagreements with Peter.
- The Chick, with elements of The Big Guy: Groot; a gentle soul, very protective of his companions, and averse to in-fighting. He is not above brutal violence against those that would threaten his friends, however.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Rocket definitely lives in this neighborhood. Make sure he really needs the parts he asks for, though.
- Heel Face Turn: Gamora, later Yondu and the Ravagers.
- Heel Realization: Drax, who helps the Guardians get free from prison.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Groot did this to shield his friends from the exploding.
- The His colleagues would've ended up as this, if the ending takes a turn for the worst.
- High Heel Face Turn: Peter Quill saves Gamora from the Collector and his army by making the Power Stone explode. Gamora is deeply touched and turns over a new leaf.
- Historical Hero Upgrade: Cosmo the Russian cosmonaut dog was based on Laika, who was also a cosmonaut dog. Though unlike his historical counterpart, he didn't died in space.
- Love Interest: Maybe or maybe not with Gamora. She violently rejects Peter's advances at the beginning of the second act, in rather Tsundere fashion. Though despite regularly teasing their relationship to the audience, Peter and Gamora never share an on-screen kiss or are implied to consummate their relationship in any way. Whether they'll become lovers or just stay True Companions is left up in the air.
- More Dakka: Appears to be one of Rocket's core philosophies about life.
- Ragtag Band of Misfits: What Peter Quill, Groot, Rocket, Gamora, and Drax are.
- Even after becoming the Guardians of the Galaxy, they're still this.
- Origins Movie: The film counts as this.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: When Groot became a cute, chibi baby tree sapling after his heroic sacrifice and when he came back.
- The Stinger: Howard sits in a very damaged glass cage, mocking Tivan. At least, the latter has Cosmo to keep him company.
- Troll / Visual Pun: At the end of the film, Peter pulls the ol' switcheroo on Yondu, handing over a dupe instead of the Infinity Stone. Yondu opens the ball to find a troll doll inside. Yondu is unsurprised, and even appears to appreciate the irony.
- Tsundere: Gamora.