Green Lantern: First Flight

Green Lantern: First Flight is a movie based upon the poster child for the Green Lantern comics, Hal Jordan.
In the midst of flight training, Hal is forcibly summoned by a nearby alien who was near death, Abin Sur. Given the Green Lantern Ring, he quickly adapts to its powers, but discovers he is one of The Chosen Many of the Green Lantern Corps. Taken to Oa, the central hub of the Corps, he is given to Sinestro to be trained and attempt to prove himself worthy of the ring.
Hal is pulled into the intergalactic politics as he finds Abin Sur's murderer and a conspiracy involving the criminal Kanjar Ro. What he also discovers is that the mission was given a high priority because Kanjar Ro is searching for the dangerous Yellow Element, the only weakness to the Green Lantern powers.
The next animated Green Lantern movie, Green Lantern Emerald Knights shares the same art style with this film, but is not part of the same continuity.
- Agony Beam: Sinestro shows that a GL ring can work as one in a pinch.
- Bar Brawl
- Big Bad Friend: Sinestro.
- Casting Gag: As noted in "Hey, It's That Voice", Olivia d'Abo had voiced Carol Ferris's comic book alter ego, Star Sapphire, on Justice League.
- Catch Phrase: Sinestro often talks about "incentive", often meaning things that really aren't good incentives.
- The Chosen Many: The Green Lantern Corps.
- Cutting the Knot: Hal manages to destroy the yellow battery by crushing it between two moons.
- Death by Origin Story: Abin Sur
- Electric Instant Gratification: Sinestro uses a pink orb as an "incentive" to get Labella to talk. She doesn't mind at first, but begs for him to stop after he ties it to her hands.
- Evil Costume Switch: Sinestro, though he was pretty far gone already.
- Face Heel Turn: Boodikka.
- Fantastic Drug: The "Moon Ball".
- Good Cop, Bad Cop: Hal and Sinestro, respectively.
- Green Lantern Ring
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Tricia Helfer of Battlestar Galactica Reimagined as Boodikka.
- Hal Jordan is Elliot Stabler (We should probably keep Hal very much away from Superman: Doomsday's Toyman), Sinestro is Syndey Bristow's dad, Kilowog is Mr. Blonde and Bud, the Weaponers of Qward are all Rob Paulsen, Kanjar Ro is Red Forman, Labella is Drusilla, Tomar Re is Dan Fielding, Ch'p is Smartass, Kath Soucie is Arisia, and Carol Ferris is her own alter ego, Star Sapphire.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Boodikka.
- Interrogating the Dead: "I'm reconnecting synapses for some information. This shouldn't take long..."
- It Was His Sled: Any remotely familiar with Green Lantern comic books can see Boodika's betrayal coming a mile away.
- Kick the Dog: Sinestro to Labella.
- Knight Templar: Sinestro.
- Mighty Whitey: Hal Jordan is an interstellar variant.
- Mythology Gag:
- The powered armor used by Kanjar Ro's dragon looks to be themed after the Blue Beetle.
- Noodle Incident: the opening dialogue between Hal and Carol indicates a weekend when they got drunk together and... the noodle incident kicks in
- Not So Above It All: Ranakar cheering for Hal as he fights Sinestro.
- Not So Different
- Puny Humans: What everyone thinks of Hal Jordan.
Boodikka: [her last word] Humans...
- Possession Implies Mastery: Hal seems to have no problem adapting to his new powers.
- Pragmatic Adaptation
- Recycled in Space: This is basically a water down version Space Adventure Cobra with power rings. Not that that's a bad thing.
- In interviews and the behind the scene featurette, the crew also compared it to Training Day.
- Replacement Scrappy: Hal Jordan is an In-Universe Replacement Scrappy for Abin Sur. To Kilowag at least.
- Rookie Red Ranger: Hal Jordan. Very new guy joining a very old group. "Very new" as in "less than a month." "Very old" as in "since the beginning of time." In the end, it is Hal Jordan who defeats Sinestro in single combat.
- R-Rated Opening: The first scene shows Abin Sur bleeding from a gut wound.
- Shout-Out: one of the Lanterns is apparently moonlighting as a Sailor Scout.
- Slasher Smile: Boodikka is clearly enjoying suffocating Hal.
- Super-Hero Origin: Subversion, while they do show how Hal got the ring, they decided to skip this and move straight on to the plot.
- Though the reason for the subversion is because of both the upcoming live-action Green Lantern movie is expected to cover it and Justice League: The New Frontier covered a good deal of it in animated form and was done by much of the same crew as First Flight.
- Superweapon Surprise: The Yellow Element powered battery/WaveMotionGun.
- Transformation Sequence: Hal gets an extremely Sailor Moon-esque one of these the first time he puts the ring on.
- Villainous Breakdown: Averted mostly. Sinestro doesn't have one directly, but he is very much on the verge of one during the end fight with Hal, where he decides to kill him and steal his ring "for insurance", but when he starts getting knocked around, his face gets very angry and twitchy.
- We Can Rule Together: It turns out Boodikka is trying to get Hal on their side.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Sinestro, who just wants to make the galaxy a peaceful place. By any means necessary.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Hal uses his ring to create a folding chair to hit people with during the Bar Brawl scene.
- Wretched Hive: Cadmendoh. As Sinestro puts it;
Sinestro: Cadmendoh is a pustule of a planet. A breeding ground of criminal scum. One time I suggested we clean it out with a meteor shower. The Guardians thought I was kidding.