< Great Teacher Onizuka
Great Teacher Onizuka/Characters
Eikichi Onizuka
You really want him to be your Teacher!!!
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: He believes this at his core and wants to get rid of it...badly.
- Anti-Hero: Type II. He cleaned up his act as a street-brawling punk but his tough upbringing still shows up when he gets pissed off.
- Badass Biker
- Badass Teacher: The Ur Example.
- Beyond the Impossible: Seems to be made of this.
- Chivalrous Pervert: He had plenty of occasions to have his way with some female students (like Urumi), but he still prefers to have consensual sex with somebody that really means something to him.
- Determinator
- Dye Hard: His bleached hair testify of what he used to be and are usually considered improper for a teacher.
- Former Teen Rebel
- Hands-On Approach: Towards Fuyutsuki, to teach her how to game.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Luminescent Blush: Whenever presented with the possibility of sex. Or just when Fuyutsuki hugs him.
- Made of Iron
- Mr. Vice Guy
- Naive Newcomer: Averted. He is in fact pretty Genre Savvy.
- Papa Wolf
- Proud to Be a Geek: Oh yeah!
- Smoking Is Cool
- Steve Blum
- Suplex Finisher: Fond of doing German Suplexes. It's probably his Finishing Move!
- Trickster Mentor
- Wataru Takagi: His breakout role as a main character.
- Wrestler in All of Us: See Suplex Finisher above.
Azusa Fuyutsuki
- A-Cup Angst
- Almost Kiss: Jossed in the last minute but hadn't they been interrupted, she and Onizuka would have become the Official Couple.
- Brainy Brunette
- Fumiko Orikasa
- Hello, Nurse!: Despite her modest endowments, she is still a pretty lady.
- Implied Love Interest: Clearly, there is something going on between her and Onizuka. They Almost Kissed one time and that's not even mentioning the official arts [dead link] where both appear together the same way a long-time couple would.
- Male Gaze: Has a nice butt to compensate for her small breasts.
- Naive Newcomer
- Nice Girl
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Of all the other teachers, she is notable for her cool and collected persona.
- The Smart Girl: She is a little naïve but far from stupid.
- Tsundere: B-type towards Onizuka. And he likes it!
- Wendee Lee
Kunio Murai
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Defeat Means Friendship: At first, very antagonistic towards Onizuka and then becomes one of his most devoted followers.
- Dye Hard: To emphasize his rebellious self, a lot like Onizuka himself.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Very easy to anger him.
- Heroic Bastard
- Hot-Blooded
- Momma's Boy: And a rather fierce one at that.
- My Mother Is Off Limits: Forbids Onizuka to hit on his Hot Mom.
- Not So Different: To Onizuka.
- Oedipus Complex: Oh Kunio...
- Ship Tease: With Miyabi in the Live Action series.
- Tomokazu Seki
Yoshito Kikuchi
- Defeat Means Friendship: Pretty much one of the only students who wasn't humiliated. He goes along with Onizuka's plans cause Onizuka's an interesting guy.
- Guile Hero
- Hikaru Midorikawa
- Identical Stranger: To Teshigawara. In the Live Action, not so much.
- Megane
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Playful Hacker
- The Smart Guy: Along with Urumi.
- The Stoic
- Stoic Spectacles
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: But still very kind all in all.
- Teen Genius
Noboru Yoshikawa
- Butt Monkey: Initially.
- The Chew Toy
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Driven to Suicide: Twice. Onizuka saved him both times.
- Extreme Doormat
- Guile Hero: Who would have known?
- Nerds Are Sexy: At least Anko thinks so.
- Non-Action Guy
- Took a Level In Badass: Ever since the holidays at sea, he is much less prone to accept being treated like shit.
Tomoko Nomura
- Ayako Kawasumi
- Big Bra to Fill: The live action version...something's missing...
- Butt Monkey
- Buxom Babe: And how!
- Character Development: From a ditzy girl, to a passionate actress. She's gone a long way.
- The Chew Toy
- The Chick
- The Ditz
- Hidden Depths: She is a surprisingly good actress and exceptional in improv!
- Kawaiiko
- Les Yay: With Miyabi and Urumi.
- Male Gaze
- Ms. Fanservice: Very, very good looking.
- Red Headed Heroine
- The Runner Up Takes It All: Subverted. She was the true winner in the contest held in the anime, but only because all the postcards that were sent to her had her names covered up. In the manga, she wins this clean.
Urumi Kanzaki
- Anti Heroine: Type IV.
- Broken Ace
- Child Prodigy: Left school because she found it boring. and her hidden past...
- Gratuitous French: Uses it to confront her childhood nemesis.
- Guile Heroine
- Hair of Gold
- Kotono Mitsuishi
- Mismatched Eyes
- Ms. Fanservice: Very good looking.
- Nerds Are Sexy: A particularly sexy Nerd girl.
- Just never, ever bring up Gundam around her.
- Teen Genius
- Yandere
Anko Uehara
- Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male: Actually averted because her bullying Noboru was in secret. And had it been played straight, Onizuka would have defied this trope, too!
- Akemi Okamura
- Alpha Bitch
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: In the end.
- Character Development: Grows from being your usual high-school bitch to a more balanced, harmonic girl.
- Composite Character: Her character was fused with Miyabi's in the Live Action series.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Even Evil Has Standards: It goes to show that despite her picking on Noboru, even she's not as cruel as Miyabi.
- Heel Face Turn: Towards the end of the story.
- Rescue Romance: With Noboru.
- Rich Bitch
- Tsundere: An extreme Type A towards Noboru.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
Miyabi Aizawa
- Alpha Bitch: Even meaner than Anko!!
- Big Bad
- Composite Character: Her character was fused with Anko in the Live Action series.
- Freudian Excuse: Still doesn't excuse her horrifying bitchiness.
- Jerkass: She really likes picking on people.
- Junko Noda
- Karma Houdini: Remember that time she failed to seduce a teacher so she ruined his reputation instead?
- Manipulative Bitch: She'd do anything to bring down Onizuka.
- Rich Bitch
- Ship Tease: With Kunio in the Live Action series.
- Smug Snake: Very confident about her level of bitch.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Ungrateful Bitch
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- Wendee Lee
Kouji Fujiyoshi and Tadaaki Kusano
- A Day in the Limelight: For Fujiyoshi in one episode where we learn more about him and his family.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Kusano is the reason for the whole debacle that was Onizuka's quest to get money for the Okinawa trip.
- Those Two Guys: Mostly seen with Kunio.
Principal Ryoko Sakurai
Vice-Principal Hiroshi Uchiyamada
- Anti-Villain
- Butt Monkey: His Cool Car never catches a break!
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerkass: Usually nasty tempered and deliberately unpleasant.
- The Neidermeyer
- Nerd Glasses
- Overprotective Dad: His daughter is everything to him.
- Pet the Dog: Towards his daughter.
- Smug Snake
Suguru Teshigawara
- Broken Ace: He was always told to never fail at anything because it will be shameful to the family. This pressure erodes his sanity.
- Evil Genius
- Identical Stranger: To Kikuchi. In the Live Action, not so much.
- Megane: Of the creepy kind.
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Stalker with a Crush: To Fuyutsuki.
- Stoic Spectacles
- Super OCD
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Tohru Furuya
- Yandere
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