< Grave of the Fireflies

Grave of the Fireflies/Heartwarming

While this anime film contains far more Crowning Moment of Heartbreaking examples, some Crowning Moment of Hearwarming examples do exist.

  • When Setusko's ghost rises from the ashes in the fruit tin and she starts to go towards Seita...only to find his ghost touching her on the shoulder and smiling. Her delighted expression clinches it.
  • Combined (naturally) with Tearjerker, there's the scene right near the end, where Seita asks Setsuko what she would like to eat, not long before his visit to the bank, prompting this exchange...

Setsuko: Tempura... Sashimi... Sour Jelly...
Seita: Anything more?
Setsuko: Ice cream... And I want to eat drops again.
Seita: Drops, huh? Alright! I'll go withdraw all the savings. I'll bring back all that you wanted to eat.
Setsuko: *Clings to Seita* I don't want anything. Just stay here, big brother. Don't go. Don't go. Please don't go.

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