< Grand Theft Auto (series)

Grand Theft Auto (series)/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • This troper has found himself wondering why in free-roaming crime games like GTA and Saints Row the world is always portrayed as very cynical, greedy and generally crapsack. I assumed it was just for comedy, but then it hit me. There is no other way to explain why the protagonist can waltz into a store and walk out with a rocket launcher, get away with killing thousands of cops, soldiers and civilians with nothing more but a fine and a slap on the wrist, and generally get away with anything. In a more balanced and sane realistic world the player would be jailed and probably executed lickity split.
    • In fact, most Japanese crime sandbox games shows what happens when murder was committed, it is taken quite shockingly by all sides. Hell cop fighting is not encouraged in Yakuza or Kenka Bancho let alone murdering policemen.
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