Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Ray Bulgarin gets several Kick the Dog moments: namely, the brutal murder of the cook and his subsequent betrayal of Luis, and his cruel treatment of his sister, even shooting at and possibly killing her.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The main theme, but especially the incredibly soothing, beautiful and haunting pause music, which is a slower remix of the main theme.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Yusuf Amir is loud, boisterous and completely lacking in subtlety, but he becomes a fast friend to Luis and a big help in the final battle.
  • Game Breaker: The automatic shotgun (with explosive shells) mentioned below. All the hitting power of a shotgun, with none of the range limitations, combined with Incendiary Exponent. It can blow up a car or a helicopter in two shots.
  • Genius Bonus: When Mori beats Brucie in the chess game it is a recreation of famous Karpov-Kasparov 1985 World Championship Match.
  • Internet Backdraft: When Rockstar announced the title and that your character Luis will be an assistant to the titular Tony. Cue much homophobic whining about how Rockstar "made the series gay".
  • That One Level:
    • "Going Deep". After a very long car ride, you have to fight off wave after wave of heavily armed, heavily armored NOOSE agents in a parking garage with no extra body armor lying around. And if any of the agents get close, they will tear your health bar to shreds.
      • But luckily the massive trauma you would sustain is easily alleviated by 2 cans of "Sprunk" from the numerous vending machines.
    • Likewise, "In The Crosshairs", which involves fighting your way across several rooftops through an army of guys with automatic weapons and grenade launchers, fending off the occasional helicopter attack, and then jumping down a fire escape to street level, where there are yet more gun-toting goons, stealing the nearest car and driving away until the mission ends.
    • "Caught With Your Pants Down". Yusuf has you acquire an APC, which, unfortunately for you, is suspended high above the city from a sky crane. He expects you to have the Improbable Aiming Skills needed to snipe the cables holding up the APC from a moving helicopter. When you finally do get past all that, you find that the APC is a bit of a letdown, seeing how it's not completely Immune to Bullets, and will take damage from Stuff Blowing Up too close to it, so you have to deliberately hold yourself back from going apeshit with it.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: After being introduced to the fight clubs in order to pay off Luis' mom's debt, Luis tells her to stay away from the local loan shark. The player can later get a call from Luis' mother where she talks about how nice and well-behaved the loan shark is, so you may expect a mission where Luis has to save his mother again from the loan shark, permanently this time. But no, this never happens. Of course, you do have the option of winning the fight and killing the loan shark to complete the mission.
    • The back of the box also makes it seem like a tale of a man deciding to stay with the rich and glamorous, or helping out his family and friends in his old neighborhood. This little plot is quickly abandoned in favor of getting out of debt and wrecking Bulgarin's shit.
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