< Gotta Kill Them All

Gotta Kill Them All/Playing With

Basic Trope: Kill everyone on your list.

  • Straight: Bob's parents were murdered by a criminal organization when he was a child. Now he's an adult, he make a list of people involved with their death and starts killing the people in the list. Bob doesn't kill people who aren't on the list.
  • Exaggerated: The list is pretty darn long, in the count of hundreds.
  • Downplayed: Bob make a list of the people he condemns, and then start orchestrating their downfall into poverty, madness, incapacity, etc-- as long as it's not death.
  • Justified: Bob is raised in a world where one must administer justice with one's own hands.
  • Inverted: Bob make a list of people he feels indebted to, and then start repaying their kindness. This includes saving their life or the life of their loved ones.
  • Subverted: Bob make a list of people he would like to see dead, and then present it, along with evidences, to the police.
  • Double Subverted: Then after the police won't do anything about them, Bob starts the man-hunt.
  • Parodied: Bob's kill-list is composed of the names of people who have done the pettiest wrongs to him.

Alice: crossing my way without notice in a busy traffic
Charlie: letting his dog shit on my lawn
Dave: listening to Justin Bieber within my earshot[1]

  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Bob doesn't make a list of people he would like to see dead, he simply goes after any and all member of the criminal organization.
  • Enforced: The show's formula calls for a murder at the beginning of each episode, with the victim played by a celebrity guest.
  • Lampshaded: "You're a very ordered person, aren't you?"
  • Invoked: The detective realizes that Bob is going to kill everyone on the guest list of his dinner party.
  • Exploited: The criminal organization hires a particularly intelligent hitman who recreates Bob's list, and strike Bob least-expectedly when Bob is about to kill a seemingly-unconnected target.
  • Defied: After Bob realize that some targets are easier to kill than the other, he simply become flexible in who he must kill first, and he's not limiting himself to killing people who killed his parents. As long as they are organization members and killing them will make it easier for Bob to kill the supposed targets, Bob will kill them.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Bob's methodical killing-spree has made him a cold and ruthless person. By the time all the people he wants dead are dead, he's no longer the Bob his friends and families used to know.
  • Reconstructed: Bob's methodical killing-spree prevented him from going into depth of depression. While he is killing people, he is not killing random people-- this moral high ground is enough justification for Bob to be at peace with himself.

Back to Gotta Kill Them All. Your business here is finished, only five more to go.

  1. Okay, to some people this is not the jaywalking part in Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking.
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