< Gotrek and Felix
Gotrek and Felix/YMMV
- Broken Base: Over the switch in authors from William King to Nathan Long.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Thanquol the Grey Seer is a recurring enemy in the William King novels of the series, has several novels focused on himself, and has been a recurring official character in the Skaven army books for the Warhammer Fantasy Battle game. In comparison, Gotrek and Felix themselves haven't had official game rules for several editions. To be fair, Thanquol can be portrayed pretty well on the tabletop since he isn't really too unusually powerful for a Grey Seer, but they only become more overpowered with each story.
- Iron Woobie: Gotrek, essentially, is this. Except, honestly, you might die if you hugged him.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Gotrek, again.
- Felix gets this a bit himself, becoming essentially more and more like Connor McLeod as the decades pass. He's already lost his first love murdered by a deranged nobel, his second to vampirism and is now becoming increasingly aware he'll outlive all the others. You know, if he doesn't get killed first.
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