< Good Times
Good Times/YMMV
- Acceptable Targets: JJ frequently mocked Bookman's weight.
- EVERYONE mocked Bookman's weight. Even his wife!
- Alderman Fred Davis was also heavily disliked by the Evanses, save James and JJ.
- JJ also disliked Alderman Davis after James' death. In a memorable episode, J.J. completely destroyed Davis in front of a podium of political peers. It backfired though, because this made more people vote for him.
- Anvilicious: S.O.P. for Lear Sit Coms, pre-Three's Company.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: When a friend of JJ's takes pills in a suicide attempt, JJ walks him around the living room, all the while talking to him in an effort to keep him awake until the ambulance arrives. JJ talks about random things, going from humor, to childhood memories, to plans for the future before finally screaming at him, "There's a whole world out there to live for, man, and nothing worth dying for! Robert, don't die, man! A lot of people care! *I* care! It's topped off by the guy thanking JJ as the medics take him away.
- MST3K Mantra: Where did JJ keep getting his art supplies?
- Sometimes they were given to JJ by the people who wanted artwork done (Alderman Davis, Sweet Daddy Williams, the bank president in that one episode, to name a few.)
- In the first season, it's indicated that JJ sometimes stole his art supplies.
- Memetic Mutation: "Daaamn... DAAAMN... DAAAAAAAMN!"
- Seasonal Rot: The season where Florida is Put on a Bus.
- Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped
- Tear Jerker: James' death in the first episode of season 3 is probably one of the more jarring ones for a 70s sitcom.
- Ugly Cute: J.J.'s appearance. The opinion varies from episode to episode, while he's attractive enough to pick up women, most characters, namely Michael, Thelma and even Florida comments otherwise, it's Played for Laughs when addressed and doesn't seem to bother him.
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