< Good Luck Chuck

Good Luck Chuck/YMMV

  • Unfortunate Implications: It seems that all women want to do is get married. And since in this setting, the best way to find true love is to sleep with someone, one can kiss themes such as abstinence and Chastity goodbye. Ironically, a Christian woman was in the many sex scenes.
    • And it seems that all men want sex. And since the main character has a curse that makes women find their true love when ever he screws them, and at first uses this power as an excuse to get laid, it's rather unfortunate. Even Cam calls him out for it.
    • Not to mention that someone went as far as breaking into his apartment and attempt to rape him. Girls can do anything for marriage it seems.
    • There's also the scene where a lesbian has sex with him. No comment on that
  • Why Would Anyone Take Him Back?: Cam broke up with Chuck because he was being a creepily possessive Jerkass. He never tries to explain himself (about the curse) - neither when she breaks it off nor when he begs her forgiveness at the end.
    • Not to mention that he whored himself out before, and she still took him back.
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