< Good Game

Good Game/YMMV

  • Base Breaker: Hex, half like her because she's a girl and half hate her... because she's a girl.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Their crusade against the Australian Classification Board. They also took the mickey out of both the ACB and the Bowdlerised version of Left 4 Dead 2 in a great review as well.

Hex: That's right, we have a cut-down, neutered, oxygen-starved version of the game that's had most of the gore removed because we have no 18+ rating for games in this country and are apparently unable to make judgement calls of our own.
Bajo: Yes, even though we slaughtered civilians as an airport terrorist; stabbed people in the head, throat, spine and liver; chain-sawed peaceful protestors; gored, impaled, blinded and thrown punks into jet engines and deliberately mowed down innocent pedestrians, but when it comes to zombies, Oh no, we can't have a zombie corpse on the ground or show a zombies head exploding, that's just too real!

Bajo: Hex, I wish I had this much time to answer people's questions in real life.
(cut to office scene. Glasses-Hex approaches Bajo)
Hex: Hey man, do you want a coffee?
(several options appear. 1.'Yes please, I would like a huge coffee, as huge as the sun'. 2. 'Coffee is for losers, enough talk! Prepare to fight!' 3. 'I didn't know you wore glasses...' 4. 'Is that rain?'. Choice hovers over no.3, then goes to 2. Bajo then protrudes a giant axe. Cue screaming Hex.)

Episode 41, 2009. Assassins Creed 2 review:
Hex: There was a mission where I had to go up and 'collect ribbons from ladies', but instead of picking their pockets I'd press the wrong button and knife a few chicks in the face. (shows clip) Oops.

Episode 6, 2009. "Dead Rising: Chop till You Drop review:
Junglist: They also took out that stupid photo-taking system.
(Zombie Bajo groans)
Junglist: "Now I know you liked the photo taking but your opinion doesn't count because you're undead." See Zombie Infectee for more infomation.

    • Virtually anytime the show uses green screen. A notable favorite would be from the Batman: Arkham Asylum review when Bajo was commenting on how impossibly stealthy Bats was.

(Junglist types away at the computer as Bajo stealthily lowers himself from upside down behind him)
Junglist: I know you're there, Bajo.
(Bajo retracts upwards...then back down quickly)
Bajo: I'm Batman.

    • What about the Gears of War 2 review? Microsoft wouldn't let them show any in-game footage, so they re-enact it with dolls and action figures. Hilarity Ensues.
    • The bloopers in the final episode for 2010. Sweet Jesus.
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