< Golden Sun

Golden Sun/Funny

Golden Sun: The Broken Seal

  • Mia, who up to this point has been built up as the stereotypical White Magician Girl, snarking at Babi in Altmiller Cave out of nowhere.
  • Isaac peered into the wardrobe in Lady McCoy's room...
  • At Kandorean Temple, if you mind read two monks meditating, the following ensues.

Meditating guy's thoughts: "... ... ... I sense impure thoughts from the man next to me!"
Other Meditating guy's thoughts: "... ... ... I am hungry."

I know it's a rock, stupid! (implying that was what Isaac thought)

Golden Sun: The Lost Age

  • When the party leaves Lemuria for the Great Western Sea, Sheba asks Piers how old he is (she feels they haven't given him the proper respect for his age since he is really freaking old), but he declines to answer, feeling it is not important. Jenna joins Sheba in the pestering of the question and teases Piers, causing him to beg Felix to get the girls to stop pestering him. Felix's reply? "...."
  • Speaking of wardrobes:

Felix peeked into the wardrobe... What in-!!! What's with all the wardrobes? Where are all the baths?

  • A well-hidden Easter Egg: if Felix keeps saying no in the game's various yes/no choices, or just generally disagrees with Kraden for most of the game, when they reach Lemuria, Felix would be ill-advised to say no yet again...

Kraden: "What!? Are you INSANE!? Or maybe you think you're funny? Because you're not! Maybe this whole quest is just a game to you, but it's not to me! Are you bored!? Do you want to go home!? FINE! That's it! Then let's go home!"

  • When Jenna delivers this priceless line:

Jenna: Can't you stop talking about yourself for one second, Alex?

  • Say it with me, kids!

Briggs: Neener neener neener! Neener neener neener! Neener neener... bleah!

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