Godzilla: Final Wars
The 28th Godzilla film and the sixth and final entry in the Millennium era. Due to the previous films not making enough yen, Toho decided to temporarily retire Godzilla with a bang. They brought back many Kaiju that haven't been seen in many decades, a music soundtrack different to previous movies, and a more action-oriented story. Unfortunately, it was the least attended film of the Millennium series and reviews were mixed. Some criticized it for not developing the story and characters enough while others lauded it for being a fun celebration of the King of the Monsters.
In a world where warfare and pollution have created human mutants and giant monsters of destruction, the Earth Defense Force (EDF) deploys its greatest weapons to bury Godzilla in ice. Seventeen years later, the EDF discovers the body of Gigan, whose genetic composition matches the genes found in mutants. Then monsters begin attacking all over the world and the EDF is on the offensive when UFOs apparently destroy them. The Xilians claim to be of peaceful intention and warn of the coming of the destructive asteroid Gorath. But the EDF discovers the Xilians' true intention of taking over the Earth and, after one of the Xilians commits a coup d’état, all the monsters are unleashed and most of the mutants are controlled.
In an act of desperation, the remaining EDF members and their allies decide to free Godzilla. With their flying submarine battleship Gotengo, they guide him across the world, where he makes short work of the monsters. As the mutants take their battle to the Xilians, though, Godzilla faces Monster X in Tokyo, who proves himself to be very powerful...
- Alien Invasion: Par the course.
- Badass: Captain Gordon, who unlike another character with the same moniker actually lives up to the "defender of Earth" title despite not claiming it. Not that he's particularly modest, though, considering his...
- Badass Boast: Just look at the page quote.
- Badass Longcoat: Yeah, he's got one.
- Badass Mustache: And he rocks an epic 'stache.
- Badass Normal: And he faces down superpowered mutants, aliens and Kaiju with no powers of his own whatsoever save a pair the size of Mt. Everest (and maybe just a bit of Charles Atlas Superpower).
- Big Bad: X, though he's the second in command originally, until he gets tired of taking orders and just shoots his boss in the head and takes over.
- Brainwashed: Most human mutants, by the Xilians because their mutant DNA has the same origin as that of the monsters: Xilian tampering.
- Bullet Time: Ôzaki and Kazama's training sequence.
- Canon Immigrant: Zilla, the monster from the 1998 Godzilla movie.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Godzilla defeats most of the monsters easily. This changes with Monster X.
- Deadpan Snarker: Miyuki, whose dry wit might remind some of Elsie Chapman.
- Godzilla Threshold: The second half of the movie.
Komuro: You're going to wake up Godzilla?...It's too dangerous. What if he destroys the world?
Gordon: There is no world left to be destroyed.
- Gratuitous English: Gordon and Kazama speak only English, but the the pair and the Japanese cast perfectly understand each other.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Mothra, of course.
- High Speed Battle: Ôzaki and Kazama on motorcycles. Ends with a swift bit of Car Fu.
- I'm a Humanitarian / To Serve Man: The Xilians goal is to make humans their food.
- Hot Scientist: Miyuki, which Ozaku comments on. Miyuki isn't amused.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: X's Xilian gang seem to have a taste for it. Miyuki wears a red leather jacket.
- Large Ham: X, who even throws an epic temper tantrum at one point.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Over a dozen monsters and an over equal number of humanoid characters to keep track of.
- Monumental Destruction: With this number of kaiju and locations, it's inevitable
- Sydney Opera House
- Sydney Tower
- Eiffel Tower (in the background of a shot in Paris, you can see a destroyed Eiffel Tower)
- Oriental Pearl Tower
- Arc de Triomphe (not really seen destroyed, but Kamacuras sitting on it must have damaged it in some way)
- Statue of Liberty (you can't have New York destruction without a Statue of Liberty)
- One-Letter Name: X, whose actual name humans wouldn't be able to understand.
- One-Winged Angel: Monster X transforms into Kaizer King Ghidorah.
- Slasher Smile: X wears it very well.
- The Rest Shall Pass: Multiple examples.
- Kumasaka holds off most of M-Force, and does a pretty good job considering he's a regular human.
- Ôzaki vs X
- Gordon vs two Xilians
- The Starscream: X, who isn't fond of the subtle plan. A successful one as well.
- Stylistic Suck: Many of the effects are breathtaking, but many of the monsters are portrayed by People in Rubber Suits and look like it. This was deliberate, as homage, apparently.
- Take That: In one of the most brutal examples of this trope in action, Godzilla fights Zilla and wins, effortlessly, in less than 20 seconds. Just to rub it in further, the frustrated villain then mutters: "I knew that tuna-head wasn't up to much."
- Testosterone Poisoning: Captain Gordon may be the most macho human being who has ever lived. Example: He faces down Godzilla personally, on foot, with a sword.
- Token White: Captain Douglas Gordon is among the main characters.
- The Unpronounceable: The species and individual names of the Xilians. They use code names instead.
- Villainous Breakdown: X, every time one of his monsters is beaten by Godzilla.