God of Thunder
An old DOS-based Puzzle Game by Software Creations in 1993, following the story of Thor (the titular God of Thunder), as he attempts to free Valhalla from evil using his trusty hammer Mjolnir.
God of Thunder involved pushing rocks into various formations, using the hammer to trip switches and kill bad guys, and — eventually — defeating a Big Bad somewhere along the way, which brought forth the Rainbow Bridge and opened the way to the next episode or section of the current episode.
Tropes used in God of Thunder include:
- Alliteration: The three parts of the game are titled Serpent Surprise, Non-Stick Nognir, and Lookin' For Loki. In Blechton/Lokisburg, there's a shop titled "Martha's Magical Mall."
- Affectionate Parody: The game seems to have been inspired by The Legend of Zelda; however, it's not taken that seriously.
- Attack Its Weak Point: Jormungand.
- A God Is You
- A Winner Is You: After defeating Loki, you come out of his collapsing house (surrounded by cheering townsfolk), you walk over the rainbow bridge, and... that's it.
- Beard of Evil: Loki
- Big Bad: Loki
- Bling Bling Bang: After killing Jormungand you're rewarded with a silver hammer and armor. After killing Nognir you're given a golden one.
- Blow You Away: In the second act you get the power of Storms, which creates a small tornado which can damage enemies or be used for puzzle-solving.
- Broken Bridge: You encounter one about a third of the way in the first act... and you need to find a TV repairman to fix it.
- Cain and Abel: Thor and Loki
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist
- Disproportionate Retribution: Loki put a child in jail because he dropped his ice-cream on Loki's foot.
- The Dragon: Jormangund and Nognir
- Egopolis: After taking over Midgard, Loki renamed Blechton to Lokisburg.
- For the Evulz: Loki. Well, he is the Norse god of mischief.
- Fluffy Tamer: The owner of Sorcery and Such tells you not to hurt his pets when you enter his house. His "pets" are killer rats and spiders.
- Giant Spider: And they spit fireballs which can one-shot you.
- Guide Dang It: Who'da thunk you needed to take your electric saw to the grate in the prison in Lokisburg?
- Hijacked by Jesus: Odin helps out by sending angels who will refill your health and magic meters. They look like your typical robed-and-winged modern Judeo-Christian angels.
- I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder: "Dammit Thor, I'm a TV and bridge repairman, not a dentist!"
- La Résistance: There's one in the third act out to oppose Loki, but they're too dumb or cowardly to do anything without Thor....or with Thor, for that matter.
- Lost in Imitation: Loki wears green and has a helmet with gold horns and is referred to as Thor's half-brother. There's also a reference to the Odinsleep. All of these elements are from Marvel's The Mighty Thor.
- Medium Awareness: In Lokisburg, it's against the law to be over 16 pixels tall. Also, Odin warns you that if you keep killing townspeople, you'll need a game guide.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: A child refers to Loki as "Lucky."
- Name's the Same: The Software Creations that made God Of Thunder is not the same Software Creations that developed the Silver Surfer game, Solstice and Plok.
- Nintendo Hard
- Our Trolls Are Different: Some are just the size of Thor, others are gigantic and throw rocks.
- Press X to Die: Used in case the player screws up on a puzzle.
- Punny Name: The Low Key Bar & Grill
- Real Men Wear Pink: It seems Thor might have a fondness for dollies. When Thor/you retrieves a stolen doll, Odin tells you to put it under your shirt and P-L-E-A-S-E not let anyone see it. You can make the doll your active item and try to use it, but if you do Odin quickly tells you to put it away and asks what Hercules would think if he saw you playing with it.
- Rule of Funny: The game pretty much runs on this.
- Schizo-Tech: The plot takes place in 927 AD, yet there's references to power tools and television repair. All Played for Laughs, though.
- Shock and Awe: The first divine power you get creates lightnings all around you and is used to defeat Loki. In the third act you find a power that enables you to strike down all the enemies on screen with thunderbolts.
- Shout-Out: There's a couple of references to Star Trek, Star Wars, the "how many licks" ad from Tootsie Pop and a McDonalds knock off.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: An unintentional one comes at the end of the game; while Loki is gloating on how he is the most powerful being in the land, Thor's back is turned, as if he is ignoring Loki altogether.
- Take Over the World: Loki took over Midgard while Odin was in the Odinsleep.
- The Guards Must Be Crazy: One the one hand, the soldiers in the third act are somewhat competent in tracking Thor and throwing him in prison. On the other, they're total failures when it comes to making sure that Thor stays in said prison.
- Three Quarters View
- Unexplained Recovery: You can actually kill NPCs (and you'll lose points for it), but if you leave the screen and come back, they'll be back again as if nothing had happened.
- What the Hell, Hero?: You lose points if you kill innocents and get a brief scolding from Odin.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Type 4 in Lokisburg.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: About 90% of combat involves the hammer, and many puzzles also require the player to take advantage of the hammer's properties.
- World of Snark
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