Go, Diego, Go!

Go, Diego, Go! (2005-2011) is a an animated television series, a Spin-Off of Dora the Explorer. Starring Diego and featuring his sister, Alicia and Baby Jaguar.
Tropes used in Go, Diego, Go! include:
- Expy: The Bobo Brothers are a Swiper the Fox expy and Rescue Pack as a Backpack expy.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: The Bobo Brothers, two mischievous spider monkeys.
- Free-Range Children: Diego and Alicia.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Furry Ear Dissonance: Baby Jaguar has unusually pointed ears for a jaguar.
- Green Lantern Ring/Morph Tool: Rescue Pack
- Gratuitous Spanish: Though not as bad as in Dora the Explorer, as the focus here is more about teaching about animals.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Diego is Max Russo!
- Jump, I'll Catch You!: This is a show about rescuing animals.
- Misplaced Wildlife: Averted. Most animals are native to the area the episode takes place.
- Never Say "Die": Animals are afraid of their natural predators for some reason that's never touched upon.
- Except for one episode where they had a turtle eat some "faceless" jellyfish.
- Nearly-Normal Animal/Talking Animal: The animals
- No Indoor Voice: It Runs in The Family
- Pet Baby Wild Animal: Baby Jaguar is arguably this.
- Plot Induced Stupidity: Virtually all of the animals have to be reminded of their natural abilities.
- Seldom-Seen Species
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Implied.
- Stock Footage: The theme song for all the talking objects.
- Suddenly Voiced: Baby Jaguar can talk in this show when he couldn't in Dora the Explorer. Might be justified in that Diego Speaks Fluent Animal.
- Viewers are Morons: Episodes end with four-question quizzes, with two answers each as options. These tend to be one that is obviously correct and one that is stupid.
Do maned wolves make cupcakes, or footprints?
- What Measure Is a Non-Cute?: Subverted, many non-cute animals have been featured and there was even recently an entire one hour episode dedicated to showing even scary and fierce animals have their place in the world.
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