< Gnomeo and Juliet

Gnomeo and Juliet/WMG

The Montague and Capulet neighbors are the arguing couple from Featherstone's Flash Back.

They sold the house and moved in next door to each other, each with their own gardens.

Mrs Montague is Hyacinth Bucket

Similar silhouette, trademark blue wig, similar taste in decor... Maybe she's remarried? Or that's her sister Violet.

Gnomeo and Juliet takes place in the same universe as Toy Story.

Only makes sense, especially with Toy Story 2 confirming that lawn gnomes are alive in the Toy Story universe.

Gnomeo and Juliet are both replacement gnomes

Hence the Disappeared Dad / Missing Mom. Gnomeo and Juliet are identical to the smashed (or otherwise damaged) gnomes they replaced, but since they're younger than most of the gnomes in the garden, and most likely have different personalities, they're considered "offspring" by the other gnomes.

Miss Montague and Mr. Capulet aren't really named that.

I mean, come on. They live in Stratford-Upon-Avon, in goofy-looking adjoining houses, with bizarre color-coded lawns, and their mailboxes read "2B" and "2B" crossed out ("not 2B")? They're a couple of gimmicky, fun Shakespeare/gardening geeks whose house is a minor tourist attraction. They go by "Montague" and "Capulet" for obvious readings and keep their personas up with arguing and friendly competition.

The arguing couple were Miss Montague and Mr. Capulet's respective parents.

After they broke up, they had kids with other people. The kids were taught that their parent's exes were the enemy, and they grew up helping their mom and dad maintain their competing gardens. Eventually, they realized how ridiculous the feud was and moved in next door to one another so that they could poke fun at the feud with epic gardens full of color-coded lawn gnomes and Shakespeare references.

Miss Montague and Mr. Capulet are a married couple.

Those "adjoining" houses don't necessarily have a wall between them...

The Mercutio gnome got smashed by Tybalt long ago.

Why did Tybalt decide to beat him up? Well, think about it. Benvolio-gnome's name? "Benny". Mercutio-gnome's name? "Cutey."

His last words were, "A plague a' both your houses! I have it, and soundly too!"

Nope. Word of God says Gnomeo is a Composite Character of both Romeo and Mercutio.

WMG 1 by ajmax8462: The gnomes were purchased/made by Mann Co., meaning that the movie takes place in the Team Fortress 2 universe

The two owners are hired by either RED or BLU, depending on their last names. Therefore, the gnomes copy their mercenary 9 classes, but to justify the truce at the end, they found out their manufacturer is the same (Mann Co.).

WMG 2: Team Fortress 2 takes place in the Portal universe, justifying errors in the above WMG

Therefore, Paris on RED was uploaded to... Wheatley.

The little red gnomes are the most evil characters in the movie

Notice haw after Tybalt gets broken, they immediately want to smash Gnomeo, and later, they try to stop Gnomeo from rescuing Juilet.

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