< Gitaroo Man
Gitaroo Man/YMMV
- Breather Level: After the hellish ordeal that is Ben-K's shark form, Ben-K's robot form and The Legendary Theme (Acoustic) are two welcome breaks before you're thrown back into the deep end for the rest of the game.
- Crazy Awesome: The whole game.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: "Tainted Lovers", which is Gregorio's stage song.
- Really, all the tracks in the game fit into this trope.
- Ear Worm: At least one song from this game will get stuck in your head by the time you're done.
- Narm: By the truckload, throughout the entire game, but the stand-off between U-1 and Zowie takes the cake.
- Narm Charm: Still, it's a pretty awesome showdown, especially if you can get through the preceding boss battle.
- Needs More Love: It's a pretty good rhythm game with a heap of Crazy Awesome, but to quote the game director himself, "It sold, like, nothing."
- That One Boss: Gregorio and the Sanbone Trio. In Master Mode, arguably every boss/stage is an example of That One Boss.
- For those who don't see it coming, the first battle with Ben-K, which is 100% Guard Phase (read: flurry of notes from all directions), can be a particularly insidious showstopper. If they were going for the fact that you were meant to barely escape from the battle alive, Koei and iNiS did one hell of a good job.
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