Ghouls vs. Humans

A Doom team deathmatch multiplayer Game Mod which pits the players in two opposing teams, the ghouls and the humans.
The ghouls, which previously appeared in the "Ghouls' Forest" Doom levels before making it to the multiplayer game, are mostly huge floating scary heads which kill people (Choke, Sjas, Creeper, Jitterskull, Frostbite). The humans are specialists armed with weapons of various kinds, depending on their class (Marine, Hunter, Cyborg, Ghostbuster, Engineer). Basically, one team is the High Octane Nightmare Fuel and the other team are the unfortunate recipients.
It can be downloaded here, and requires Skulltag.
Tropes used in Ghouls vs. Humans include:
- All There in the Manual: The author's blog used to contain profiles for all the characters. Then the author deleted them all. Why? Because he could.
- An Ice Person: Frostbite.
- The Archer: The Hunter.
- Badass Santa: Used to be one of the classes.
- Cyborg: One of the human classes.
- Deadly Disc: One of the Engineer's weapons.
- Flash Step: The Jitterskull always moves like this, which makes it really hard to control.
- Jet Pack: Used by the Cyborg.
- Jump Scare: All ghouls rely on this to some extent, but this is the Creeper's main shtick.
- Lightning Bruiser: Pretty much all the ghouls.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Sjas.
- Mouth Cam: Most of the ghouls, when you play as them.
- Our Ghouls Are Creepier
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: The Jitterskull, "because we all know that red eyes are EVILLLL.".
- Technicolor Death: The Sjasface, Jitterskull and Creeper die in a fiery explosion.
- Versus Title
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