< Ghost Hunters
Ghost Hunters/YMMV
- Non Sequitur Scene - In the second or third episode, the team mentions going back to Warwick to spend time with their family and friends. It then cuts back to a barbecue, a musical number, bouncy castle kickboxing, and then cuts back to the investigation like nothing happened.
- Heartwarming Moments - Welcome to the world...Mackenzie Harnois.
- Ho Yay - Jason and Grant, Steve and Tango.
- Seasonal Rot - The end of Season 4 or the end of Season 5 being this point for some fans. Even Jason and Grant seem bored while investigating locations. Part of the issue is the similarity of everything from episode to episode as well as the lack of evidence found (especially in relation to shows like Ghost Adventures where they seem to capture far more shadow figures and physical apparitions). Another issue is that the show and the TAPS group has seemed to become more popular as opposed to the next door neighbors they started out as.
- Jay and Grant did mention on their radio show, which took a "summer hiatus" 2+ years ago, that they didn't see themselves continuing to make the show for too terribly long, and they'd be content doing radio full-time or pursuing other venues. Perhaps Syfy is just wringing out the towel for more and more episodes, and they've grown tired of it.
- The Woobie - Steve
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