Getsumen to Heiki Mina

a.k.a. Lunar Rabbit Weapon Mina
Originally a Show Within a Show in Densha Otoko, Getsumen To Heiki Mina soon became its own series. Twenty Minutes Into the Future, contact with aliens has been established. As it turns out, Earth Is the Center of the Universe for its culture. Specifically, sports. However, these aliens tend to take their sports fanatacism a little too far, and so to combat them the Rabbit Force, a team of vegetable and rabbit-themed Magical Girls, was born.
Mina Tsuduka is an Ordinary High School Student who has finally achieved her dream of becoming a news anchor on Luna TV's Luna Sports program. When an attack breaks out, a mysterious bunny-eared creature in a peanut shell called "Nameless" tells her she can transform into a Mina, a member of the Rabbit Force. Hestatingly, Mina answers the call to become Tsukishiro Mina, and along the way meets up with several other Rabbit Force members.
Compare with Kujibiki Unbalance, another Show Within a Show that became Defictionalized.
- Absolute Cleavage -- Ootsuki Mina's outfit takes this Up to Eleven.
- And You Were There -- Nameless shares the same voice actor as Onoue, the producer for Luna TV.
- Big Brother Complex -- Nakoru
- Break Out the Museum Piece -- Nameless gives Satsuki Mina an old bazooka because she supposedly can't be trusted with something more high-tech and expensive. Fortunately, she's a weapons geek and prefers the old-fashioned stuff.
- The Chew Toy -- Mutsumune Escartin, Mina's rival at Luna TV. The universe loves to throw punches at her. Once she made it through an episode unscathed, only to have an assortment of heavy objects immediately fall on her.
- Clark Kenting -- While Mina Tsuduka and Tsukishiro Mina have an obvious difference in the bust department, everything else is the same. Yet, nobody catches on.
- Defictionalized
- Destructive Savior -- While Ootsuki Mina is known for saving the day, her berserker tendencies cause damage more often than they should.
- Disproportionate Retribution -- Sumire puts Ootsuki Mina out of business for beating her in the rankings. She also declares herself "Supreme Queen of Earth". A bit overboard there.
- Engineered Public Confession
- Expressive Hair -- Mutsumune
- Gainaxing -- mostly on Ootsuki Mina.
- Hot Springs Episode
- I Just Want to Be Normal -- Mina at first, though this significantly lessens.
- In the Name of the Moon
- Killer Rabbit -- literally: most of the aliens look like cute little rabbits, but they're not to be taken lightly.
- Les Yay -- tons of it between Tsukishiro Mina and Ootsuki Mina
- Macross Missile Massacre -- Two varieties, Yuu has the 'Cherry Beer Barrage' from her backpack, a sweetcorn/ninja Mina does the same with corn kernels.
- Magical Girl
- Monster of the Week
- Morph Weapon -- The Rabbit Force's weapons (demonstrated best with Tsukishiro's Carrot Weapon) are controlled by the user's mind, and can be whatever kind of weapon they want to be.
- Throughout the course of the series, it was a rocket hammer, machine gun, drill and blaster and several other things.
- Nerd Glasses -- Weapons enthusiast Sanae, who's also the rogue Rabbit Force Member Satsuki Mina. She loses the glasses when she transforms.
- Older Alter Ego -- There's something to be said for the "bounciness" Mina gains when she transforms.
- Ordinary High School Student
- Secret Test of Character -- When Mina thinks that Yuu may have discovered her identity, she's given an option to blast her with a Laser-Guided Amnesia gun. The refusal was the test, of course.
- Serious Business -- Rabbit Force is basically running security at sporting events. Sporting events turned hostile, but sports nonetheless.
- Superpowerful Genetics -- Mina's mother was one of the Rabbit Force, and when she retired the role passed down to her daughter. Yuu mentions something about it being in their DNA.
- Transformation Sequence
- Transformation Trinket -- Eating or drinking something that has their vegetable in it (plus saying "Ju-Jitsu!") is all it takes to trigger the transformation.
- Triple Shifter -- Literally. Sportscaster, high school student (not that much of her school life is seen, but she has to have one) and magical girl. This does eventually get to Mina a bit.
- Unknown Rival -- Mutsumune
- Unlucky Childhood Friend -- Kanchi is Mina's, which makes an interview she has to run on his baseball team a little awkward.