Get Your War On
An incomprehensibly bitter, angry, profane, surreal and hilarious political Web Comic by David Rees, composed entirely of clip-art and with the general emphasis being on the bubble text, which tends to come out as something like an Author Filibuster. The comic covered events from shortly after 9/11 to just after the end of the Bush presidency, generally reflecting Rees' appalled and incensed reaction to much of the doings of the United States in this period, with the characters (such as they are - nobody is ever named) frequently expressing incredulity and generally acting as if they are trapped in their own personal hell. To say the series wore its bias on its sleeve would be a significant understatement.
Rees has recently started a Sequel Series called Get Your Censor On, whose target is corporate attempts to censor and/or control the internet.
- Author Avatar: Damn near everyone. The comic is essentially a drawn expression of David Rees flapping his arms and screaming out of sheer anger.
- Author Filibuster: Most of the strip consists of this. Lampshaded at one point after a particularly prolonged bit of filibustering leaves the characters despairing since they have no space left for anything else.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Often.
- Cluster F-Bomb: It's probably easier to count the comics where this doesn't happen than the ones where it does.
- Cut and Paste Comic: As literal an example as you'll find - everything is clip art. Rees draws very little himself.
- Dead Baby Comedy: This.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: Characters refer often to drinking heavily to try and ignore world events.
- Nameless Narrative
- Only Sane Man: Everyone is thoroughly under the impression that the powers that be are completely insane, and despair at people not seeing it.
- Strawman Political: Somewhat averted, as the few things that are RAGEd against are either unfortunately totally true or obviously surreal and completely made up for the sake of comedy.
- Your Head Asplode: Can be caused by calling George W. Bush "brilliant".