Geronimo Stilton (TV series)

Geronimo Stilton (also known as The New Adventures of Geronimo Stilton in season 3) is an Italian animated children's television series based on the book series of the same name. The series was produced by Atlantyca Entertainment and Rai Fiction in collaboration with the French studio Moonscoop LLC for seasons 1–2, while for season 3 it was co-produced by Superprod, Back UP Media, and CNC, replacing the crew of Moonscoop.
Geronimo Stilton is a mouse journalist and head of the Geronimo Stilton Media Group. He searches New Mouse City for new scoops while having adventures along the way with his nephew Benjamin, cousin Trap, and younger sister Thea Stilton.
The show ran for 78 episodes across three seasons, and it debuted on Rai 2 in Italy on September 15, 2009. The second season aired on October 24, 2011, and the third season on October 8, 2016.
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- Abhorrent Admirer: Geronimo gets another one in the form of the Contessa in the S2 episode "Bloodlines". Granted, she could qualify as a BBW, but still...
- Double Standard: The Contessa's rather aggressive advances on Geronimo, albeit the G-rated kind, is portrayed as funny; but heaven help the show against the Moral Guardians and Media Watchdogs if they're gender-flipped.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals: Just as in the original books. However, as a variation, they do put on the needed footwear once they venture out of civilization.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Big Toes, from the S2 episode "The Legend Of Big Toes". Though he's actually no different from the humanoid mice in the show; only much, much taller, hairier, and being speechless.
- Butt Monkey: Trap is more of this than his cousin Geronimo was in the original books.
- Composite Character: Benjamin in the TV series appears to be given the role and personality of his counterpart in the book series and Pinky Pick.
- Chekhov's Gun: At the beginning of "The Mask of Rat-Jitsu", Geronimo takes out a vial of a rare, strong-smelling cheese from his safe and inadvertently puts it in his clothes. He finally got to use it during the said episode's climax to knock out the villain of the episode and his Mooks.
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Done for a few episodes.
- Everything Is Online: The only explanation on how Benjamin could hack into almost anything.
- Five Mouse Band: The main characters are presented as this:
- The (Loser) Hero:Geronimo
- The Lancer: Thea
- The Big Guy: Trap
- The Smart Guy: Benjamin
- The Chick/Tagalong Kid: Pandora (Bugsy Wugsy in the books)
- The Fool: Trap. Full stop.
- Hollywood Hacking: Benjamin does this in spades.
- Inevitable Waterfall: In the S2 episode "The Legend Of Big Toes", Geronimo was tricked into falling into the river and almost fell down one of these. He was saved by the titular Big Toes.
- The Lab Rat: Literally in Professor Von Volt's case.
- No Export for You: As of 2012, the show is still MIA in the United States, or any other English-speaking country except Canada (and even there, it's only on DVD - though it used to air on French-language TV). Fortunately, it's easy to find the region-free Canadian DV Ds online.
- The One Who Wears Shoes: Sally wears a pair of killer heels.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Geronimo and Thea.