< George Harrison
George Harrison/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming/The Fun in Funeral: The Concert For George, a memorial concert held one year from his death, where luminaries from Ravi Shankar, Monty Python, Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty, and many, many others participated.
- Fridge Brilliance: Eric Clapton was the musical director and MC for the above Concert for George, but for some inexplicable reason he rarely plays lead guitar. Then they come to a truly epic rendition of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and you realize they've been saving Eric for this moment!
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Harrison's efforts for Bangladesh, politically and musically, were deeply appreciated there.
- Never Live It Down: Despite the image he got as a hippie, he hated the hippie ways and views on life.
- Wangst: While it can't be denied that being a Beatle probably wasn't the easiest thing in the world and that Celebrity Is Overrated was quick to take hold, some of Harrison's later comments about how much he hated being in the band could take on this edge; he was still in a pretty enviable position compared to a lot of people, after all.
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