< Genki Girl
Genki Girl/Playing With
Basic Trope: A girl or woman who's incredibly hyper.
- Straight: Alice is almost always running around and talking quickly.
- Exaggerated: Alice is always running and talking quickly... even in her Sleep.
- Justified:
- Alice is holding an artifact that grants its bearer massive amounts of energy.
- Alice is a coffee addict.
- Alice suffers from ADHD.
- Alice is very excited about life.
- Inverted: Alice is an Emotionless Girl
- Subverted: Alice's genkiness is just a facade. She's nowhere near as cheerful as she seems.
- Double Subverted: After going through Character Development, she becomes a genuine Genki Girl.
- Parodied: A physiologist is determined to discover the source of Alice's genkiness and the result revolutionizes the human existence.
- Deconstructed:
- Alice's genkiness causes her to destroy several valuable artifacts. As a result, she is shunned or jailed.
- Alice is actually addicted to crystal meth -- other characters assume she's just genki.
- Alice's genetic disposition to manic depression is showing.
- Reconstructed: Alice's genkiness allows her to drive Emperor Evulz crazy, destroying his evil plan.
- Alice is Immune to Drugs. Crystal meth is to her what ice cream is to everyone else; i.e. its not the root cause of her energy.
- In a fit of extreme mania, Alice creates an artistic masterpiece.
- Zig Zagged: Depending on who she's with, she's either really Genki, emotionless, or something near normal.
- Averted: Alice is not Genki at all.
- Enforced: "Alice's actress seems really hyper. Why don't we write her character around that?"
- Lampshaded:
- "Alright, who introduced Alice to coffee?"
- "Alice, if you don't hold still for five seconds, I'm going to glue your feet to the floor!" "Onetwothreefourfive! ZOOM!"
- Invoked: Alice drinks coffee and other drinks with high caffeine so she will always be on the go.
- Defied: Alice tries to calm down her large bursts of energy, whether taking medication or doing a sport.
- Double Defied/Exploited: Someone needs Alice to run really fast someplace...so they give her caffeine.
- Discussed: "You know, Alice's hyperness would be perfect for this. She'd probably be able to kill the mooks without their ever being able to lift a finger."
- Conversed: "Alice needs to lay off the Coffee, seriously."
The link back to Genki Girl is right he- and there she goes again...
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