< Gear
List of YMMV items in Gear
- Adaptation Displacement: Its much Lighter and Softer adaptation Catscratch is more well known than this.
- Crazy Awesome: Gordon and Gear.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome:
- Any of the Guardian battles.
- "You'll never threaten my son again, Big Tomato"... For all of the fact that he's a gentle humanitarian, the Bad Guys finally push Dr. Pilk's Berserk Button, leading to the Death by Irony mentioned below. Even when the button is pressed so much, Pilk remains quiet and dignified in a very powerful way.
- Crowning Moment of Funny:
- "Is he armed?" "Only if fat is a weapon, sir."
- "Send your fastest men to rescue Mr. Black, quick!" "Our fastest men got their legs cut off by insects!" "Then they aren't your fastest men, are they?!"
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The two dog cops, Bernie and Weaver, at the end of the first chapter.
- Crowning Moment of Sadness: See Tear Jerker and Heroic Sacrifice below.
- Magnificent Bastard: Emperor Pago. If you think he's just a Jerk Ass at first, you won't by the end.
- Needs More Love: Outside of Doug Ten Napel fans, this book isn't very well-known.
- Tear Jerker: Simon's monologue from beyond the grave, Gear and Waffle's deaths, the Bittersweet Ending... it might just be easier to list the things in this comic that DIDN'T make you choke up.
- What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids??: Younger children who watched Catscratch should wait until they're older to give this a read.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic
- The Woobie:
- Gear. Sweet mechanical Jesus, Gear. His adorable robot woobieness rivals that of WALL•E.
- This trope also definitely applies to Waffle too, though he becomes something of an Iron Woobie after he receives a peptalk from Chee and takes a level in badass
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