< Gayborhood

Gayborhood/Playing With

Basic Trope: A town's gay district

  • Played Straight: Within Troperville, there is a street called Yaoi Street, which has gay bars, trendy stores, and nice houses and apartments where the town's GLBT residents live.
  • Exaggerated: The entire city is like this, or is viewed as such compared to other cities in the state/province/country.
  • Inverted: Within Yaoiville, there is a street called Het Street, where heterosexuals live.
  • Justified: Gays and lesbians felt they needed a place where they could feel safe and connected to one another In a World dominated by the infamous Heteronormative Crusader
  • Subverted: Yaoi Street doesn't have much in the way of nightlife, trendy boutiques, etc.
  • Double Subverted: But it does have a lot of gay and lesbian characters living on it, and they all know where to find those things.
  • Deconstructed: There are GLBT residents outside of Yaoi Street, and they don't like the place because of the image of GLBT people it projects to the rest of Troperville.
  • Reconstructed: The residents of Yaoi Street are far more diverse and well-rounded as GLBT people than the stereotypes suggest.
  • Parodied:
  • Lampshaded:
  • Averted: The gay-oriented businesses in Troperville are scattered throughout the city, as opposed to a central district. The GLBT residents are okay with this, since Troperville is tolerant enough that they don't feel the need to live in a "gay ghetto."
  • Enforced: We need a place to put our Cast Full of Gay...
  • Invoked: Alex and Bob plan on moving to or visiting Troperville, and look up where the gayborhood is.
  • Defied: To their disappointment, there isn't one, or at least not a very large or remarkable one.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Played For Laughs: Bob cracks a joke about how "They pack so much fudge into the brownies at that bakery on Yaoi Street!"
  • Played For Drama: A Heteronormative Crusader of the particularly Knight Templar variety gets an ad-hoc army together and declares war on Yaoi Street and its residents.

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