< Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York/Funny

  • Bill: "-I want you to go out there, and I want you...to punish...the person who's responsible- *sob* - for murdering this poor little rabbit." What makes it even funnier is how quickly Bill regains his composure, with a firm "Understood?" Even funnier: the lament of a dead rabbit is coming from a butcher.
  • P.T. Barnum's escaped elephant running through during the Draft Riots is also rather hilarious, especially due to the Dead Rabbits' reaction.
  • When Monk is running for sherrif.

Boss Tweed: (impressed) That man was right born for this.
Amsterdam: He's killed 44 men, and laid low a couple hundred more.
Boss Tweed: Is that right? We should have run him for Mayor.

  • The Reverend's Double Take at two obvious crossdressing men among the ladies at the Reform Dance. One girl whispers before the Reverend sees him, "You shoulda shaved closer."
  • McGloin being smacked across the face by a bishop. Of course, he really deserved it.
  • "That, my friends, is the minority vote." Dark humor considering the circumstances, but still.
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