< Gamera


The Showa series contains examples of

  • Awesome Music: Despite the, er, dubious quality of the rest of the movie, Gamera vs. Zigra has a really awesome rendition of the theme song.
    • Chuji Kinoshita's score for Gamera vs. Barugon.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The Space Battleship Yamato scene in Gamera Super Monster.
    • Oh, and the Galaxy Express 999 scene in the same movie.
    • Gamera doing gymnastics in Gamera vs. Gurion, Gamera playing his theme using Zigra as a xylophone...They were almost common enough to be expected towards the end of the Showa Series.
  • Complete Monster: Onodera from Gamera vs. Barugon, let's count the ways... He let's one partner get stung by a scorpion and causes a cave-in to try to kill the other, even after they saved his life. He beats up a man on a crutch and his wife, stole their money, and burned their house down. And still he wouldn't stop! Even after getting beaten up by the film's human hero he steals the diamond that was luring Barugon into the water and FINALLY gets what was coming to him by getting eaten.
  • Designated Hero: In the original film, despite causing the deaths of thousands of people, little Toshio repeatedly insists that Gamera is a "good turtle." The screenplay seems to be sympathetic to this view.
  • Ear Worm: The Gamera song.
  • The Scrappy
  • Snark Bait
  • So Bad It's Good: Most of the Showa series, though the Heisei series is just good, as is the newer film.
    • The dub of Gamera vs. Zigra contains the classic threat "I'll feed them to the dolphins!"
    • Granted, they were orcas, and orcas have killed more people in captivity than they ever have in the wild.
  • Special Effect Failure
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: Gamera often gushes blood when hit by his enemy's attacks.
    • In Gamera vs. Barugon,Gamera stabs Barugon in the face with his claws, causing gallons of purple blood to gush out and get all over the place.
    • Gyaos gushing blood out of his ears in the climax of Gamera vs. Gyaos.
    • The "Boss Viras" decapitating his humanoid henchmen in Gamera vs. Viras.
    • Space Gyaos gets sliced 'n' diced by Guiron in Gamera vs. Guiron. Also, Gamera removing Guiron's shurikens underwater, the process giving him untold agony!
    • In Gamera vs. Jiger, Gamera getts impaled through his arms and legs by long spears, , which make pulling the limbs back into the shell an impossiblity. He is able to pull the spears out of his legs, but not without grimacing and roars of pain.
    • Gamera ramming the idol into Jiger's skull.

The Heisei trilogy contains examples of

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Some members of the fandom tend to believe that Iris was supposed to be a guardian along side of Gamera but Ayana's rage and hate drove him to kill those she didn't like and ultimately go after Gamera. Others believe he was a Complete Monster all along and was only using Ayana to get more powerful. Still others believe he was a 'failsafe' made to take out Gamera should he turn on mankind like the Gyaos did and Gamera's disreguard for mankind awakened him. Given how little of his origin is actually revealed, any of the three could be right.
    • Or all three, for that matter.
    • Also, was his showing Ayana the stuff he did taunting her out of evil intent? Or was he just showing his "mother" what he'd done for her?
  • Awesome Music: Mostly in Gamera 3.
    • Juliana Schano's "Tell Me Once Again" deserves special mention.
    • "Gyaos Flies Over" from the first film.
    • "The Myth" from the first film.
  • Awesome Yet Practical: This series redeems Gamera's "spinning flying saucer" mode. At high speed, it turns him into a giant flying chainsaw of dismemberment. On fire.
  • Complete Monster: Iris.
  • Fanon: Some fans believe that the Dragon and Tiger guardian, brought up in Gamera 3, that the former could be Barugon and Jiger, albeit some resigns would be needed, especially since both are reptiles and tigers are mammals.
  • Ugly Cute: Iris' younger form is sometimes seen as this.
  • Wangst: Gamera accidentally killed Ayana's parents, so now she wants him dead. Fair enough right? What did he do, walk through her house? Throw Gyaos into it? Obliterate it with a stray fireball? No, actually, he landed on top of it while plummeting miles to the ground after possibly suffering brain damage from a head-shot from Gyaos' main weapon. BASTARD!
    • If her dreams are accurate, he walked through her apartment building after plumeting to the ground. Whatever the case, her not holding a grudge against him would be very odd!
  • The Woobie: Ayana.

The Millenium series contains examples of

See: Gamera the Brave

The Mystery Science Theater 3000 presentations have examples of

Joel: Mmmmm, welcome back to our teatime movie! Ted Bessell and Georgie Jessell in Lance the Wonder Dog!
Crow: (annoyed) Ahem! Stop, please. You can be replaced by Leno, you know.

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