< Game Breaker

Game Breaker/Wide Open Sandbox

Game Breakers in Wide Open Sandbox games.

  • Any Polaris ship in EV Nova. Ships built by the Federation, the Auroran Empire, the Rebels, or the pirates are pretty evenly matched. One player reported he took down a Federation Carrier using a mass-modded[1] Pirate Enterprise freighter rigged for More Dakka. But any Polaris ship eats its analogs from the other governments for lunch. In particular the Federation and Aurorans have no counter for the Polaris Raven other than mobbing it and hoping for the best.
  • Several throughout the Grand Theft Auto franchise:
    • In general, mouselook on the PC ports of the various installments. You could fire machine guns and assault rifles with pinpoint accuracy, fire out of cars at enemies much more easily and pick targets far off with sniper-like precision, regardless of what weapon you were using. Using helicopters in all the entries after Vice City also allowed the player to avoid many of the problems that were specifically set up to hinder drivers - once you know where to get one, you'll never need to use a car again outside of required missions.
    • The M-16 in Grand Theft Auto III was easily the most overpowered weapon in the game. Available early on, the M-16 shredded everything that stood in its path - cars, people, law enforcement, you name it.
    • In Vice City, collecting 30 hidden packages (which can be done right at the start of the game) gives a Colt Python spawn at Tommy's safehouse. It's a One-Hit Kill on most enemies, with the only drawback being a slower rate of fire.
    • The automatic shotgun in Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. All of the stopping power, no limited range and explosive shells means you can blow up a car or helicopter in just two hits. Far and away the best weapon in the game, and available early.
  1. take a freighter with a good-size cargo bay, then use mass expansions to turn most of the bay into more room for weapons
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