A list of characters from Gamaran.
Ogame Ryuu
The Ogame Ryuu (Great Turtle style) is a school of swordmastery and known for being very powerful. The members carry two swords with them and use a special style based on the five elements (Lightning, Fire, Earth, Water and Air). Their former leader was Jinsuke Kurogane and the current one is Kamedenbo Oizumi.
Gama Kurogane
The young protagonist and skilled heir of the Ogame Ryuu. He's hired by Naoyoshi in order to take part to the Unabara Tournament, in order to make Naoyoshi Daimyo and show that the Ogame Ryuu is the strongest style. He also wants to find his rogue father and kills him.
- Animal Motifs: The dog, according to Iori.
- Anime Hair: All spiky and messy.
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Mocking his "manliness" and wounding his friends.
- The Determinator: Especially against Arata Nakaizumi and his nasty arrows.
- Diagonal Cut: The typical results of his attacks.
- Flash Step: The Narukami and the Kagenui attacks involves this.
- Hollywood Healing: Averted: during the battle against Arata he gets wounded to the right leg. Some days later he fights Sakon and the wounded leg still causes some inconvenience.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Sometimes limited by his inablity to cut through armors without special techniques.
- It's Personal: He wants to kill his own father Jinsuke with his own hands.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Sometimes averted, but he still can use them well nevertheless.
- Kid Samurai
- Lightning Bruiser: His favourite style is the Inazuchi Kata (Lightining God Form), which relies on speed.
- Made of Iron: Can take a really huge amount of punishment, though he's usually smart enough to simply dodge/parry dangerous attacks.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's very strong, seen when he knock out Kosaburo Hyuga unarmed.
- Training from Hell: Did one under Iori's tutelage.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Dark blue hair.
Kamedenbo's daughter. She takes care of the Ogame Ryuu dojo.
- Berserk Button: Don't call her "pig".
- Big Eater: Implied to be one by Zenmaru.
- Ms. Fanservice: While lacking shapely curves or large boobs she's really pretty.
- Out of Focus
- The Smurfette Principle: So far the only named female character besides Naoyoshi's mother.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: In charge of the dojo's care, wields a naginata, and then there's the setting.
Kamedenbo Oizumi
Current leader of the Ogame Ryuu and Gama's master. He's currently retired from his job.
- Badass
- Badass Grandpa
- Retired Badass: Technically, after turning over leadership over to Kurogane Jinsuke, who left the school. done again, passing leadership of the school to Shin
- Bald of Awesome
- Old Master: He trained Gama in the past.
- Turtle Power: Has a cute turtle on his head and, well, his style is named after turtles.
Iori Sengoku
A high-level member to the Ogame Ryuu who served as Gama's mentor. He trains him after his victory over the Kyosen Ryuu. He's described as a powerful but sadistic fighter.
- Aloof Big Brother: Play this role to Gama.
- Badass: Easily the strongest member of the Ogame Ryuu, he's the habit of inflicting a Curb Stomp Battle to all those who stand against him. Even Jinsuke respects him.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Critics Gama for his mediocre fighting skills and then proceeds to defeat him using only his scabbard. Later he kills the Souen Ryuu member Ukyo in an istant.
- Flash Step: His attacks, Kosen and Narugami involves this to some degree.
- Sadist Teacher: According to Zenmaru.
- Walking the Earth
Shinnojo Sakura
Member of the Ogame Ryuu dojo always seen together with Zenmaru. He joins Gama in the Unabara Tournament.
- Alliterative Name: Shinnojo Sakura.
- Genius Bruiser
- In-Series Nickname: "My name is Shinnojo Sakura, but everyone just call me Shin".
- Only Sane Man: Shin, compared to Gama and Zenmaru.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Zenmaru
- Shiny Midnight Black: Shinnojo's hair color.
- The Stoic
- Tranquil Fury: When facing Masaku Nikaido, the man who destroyed his old dojo.
Zenmaru Ichinose
Member of the Ogame Ryuu always seen with Shinnojo. Specialized in the Fire element, he's always seen carrying a huge sword. Revealed to be a member of the famed Ichinose family.
- Animal Motifs: Monkey.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: The style of the Ichinose.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Butt Monkey: often called monkey.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The Butt Monkey of the show, until he faces Sasuke...
- Curtains Match the Window: Zenmaru has red hair and eyes.
- Fiery Redhead
- Hidden Depths: He fights for the sake of his clan.
- Instant Death Radius: His Gurensen.
- Lightning Bruiser: His fighting style.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Shinnojo.
- Weapon of Choice: While he carries around two swords like all the members of the Ogame Ryuu, but his favourite weapon is the Sadanaga Kutaragi.
- Ancestral Weapon: The Sadanaga swords are the signature weapon of the Ichinose clan.
- BFS: Is very large and other enemies point out how it should be absurdly hard to swing around. Not for him.
- Named Weapons: His Sadanaga is called "Kutaragi".
- One-Handed Zweihander
Hyuga Ryuu
A recent Ryuu of swordsmen, is composed by the two brothers Masato and Kosaburo. They're hired by Naoyoshi to test the worth of the Ogame Ryuu but they're defeated by Gama.
Masato and Kosaburo Hyuga
The only members of their style, they fight in couple. Masato is the elder brother and relies on his mighty strength in battle, while Kosaburo opts for sneak attacks.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Both brothers.
- Battle Couple: They fight in couple and Masato always take on the stronger opponent.
- Butt Monkey: They more or less become this after joining the Ogame school...If they weren't already this beforehand.
- The Brute: Masato.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Kosaburo.
- Heel Face Turn: train as members of the Ogame Ryuu after losing to Gama
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: Kosaburo tries to kill Gama with a Iai attack to catch him offguard. It doesn't go well for him.
- Small Name, Big Ego: They boast about their skills and powers, and then a fourteen years old swordsman knock them both out.
- Those Two Bad Guys
Tengen Ryuu
The Tengen Ryuu (Heavenly Illusion Style) is one of Unabara's most famous schools, and practice the art of the naginata-jutsu. They're the first Ryuu faced by Gama.
Baian Maki
Also known as the "Drunkard", Baian is the deadly master of the Tengen Ryuu, a confident and powerful warrior and one of the last great masters of the naginata.
- Blade on a Stick: First a naginata, and later a Bisento.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: At first he seems just an arrogant and smug warrior who drinks too much saké. Is later revealed to be a powerful opponent on the battlefield.
- Eyepatch of Power: Gama wound his left eye, forcing him to wear a bandage on that eye for the rest of the combat.
- Let's Get Dangerous: When he decides to use the Bisento instead of the naginata. And stops drinking.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- What Could Have Been: Apparently he was going to have much more screentime and become a recurring villain, but eventually the author was forced to cut that off.
Eima Yakushiji, Hiyoshi, Masakiyo Yukimura and Junnosuke Akaboshi
The four strongest warriors of the Tengen Ryuu.
- Blade on a Stick
- Combat Pragmatist: They rely often on low attacks or combinated attacks.
- Eye Scream: Junnosuke is killed by Gama who slice his eyes open.
- Facial Markings: Hiyoshi.
- Five-Bad Band
- Big Bad: Baian.
- The Dragon: Eima.
- The Brute: Junnosuke.
- The Evil Genius: Hiyoshi.
- The Chick: Yukimura.
- Hot-Blooded: Junnosuke and Yukimura.
- Oh Crap: Yukimura, as he realize that Gama's attack has sliced his steel pole and his face.
- Only One Name: Hiyoshi.
- Sole Survivor: Eima is the only one left alive after Gama finishes off Baian.
- The Stoic: Eima and Hiyoshi.
Nakaizumi Ryuu
The Nakaizumi Ryuu (Inner Spring Style) is composed by archers.
Arata Nakaizumi
Leader of the Nakaizumi. He fights Gama and almost end up killing him.
- The Archer
- Big Damn Heroes: pulls one in chapter 110
- Gag Nose
- Improbable Aiming Skills
- Oh Crap: As Gama manages to slowly approaching him by parrying his arrows one by one.
- Trick Arrow: His specialty.
Kyosen Ryuu
Kyosen Ryuu (Hundred Mirrors Style) focuses on unarmed combat and attacks that can damage the inner organs and break bones. They try to ambush Gama while he's recovering from his battle against the Nakaizumi, but their members are killed, forcing them to use Sakon.
Sakon Daimaru
The supposed leader of the Kyosen Ryuu, Sakon is an extremely powerful warrior, but the hellish training forced on him by his ambitious elder brother Ryuugo ends up damaging his mind. Now Sakon is a beast-like warrior who fights only on istincts and fear.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Blood Upgrade: In order to "awaken" him, Ryuugo presses his forehead until it starts to bleed. Furthermore the more he's wounded, the more he's obsessed with destroying the man who hurted him.
- Extremity Extremist: Unlike the other members, Sakon can deliver an organ-crushing attack with his legs.
- Handicapped Badass: His mind state isn't exactly good....
- Lightning Bruiser: Can be really fast and hit like a truck.
- Only a Flesh Wound: Apparently defeated when Gama slice his arm off, he still has the strength to rise back, kill his brother and charge at Gama one last time.
- Screaming Warrior: When he goes berserk.
- The Dog Bites Back: He kills his brother Ryuugo (who was insulting him) by hitting his neck bones so hard he damages his own fingers.
- Training from Hell: Ryuugo locked him in a dungeon and pitted him against a whole horde of adult prisoners, forcing him to kill them all or being mauled to death.
- Tyke Bomb: For his brother.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: He was absolutely adorable and kind. Ryuugo didn't approved.
- Villainous Friendship: Type III with Ryuugo.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Ryuugo and Goro Daimaru
Members of the Kyosen Ryuu, Ryuugo is the de facto leader of the clan and considers Sakon as his trusty weapon. Goro is much more calm and less ruthless.
- Ambition Is Evil: Ryuugo.
- Dragon Ascendant: Goro is the only surviving Kyosen Ryuu member.
- Flash Step: Ryuugo can do a sort of "Flash Hop" in order to get close to the enemy in the blink of an eye.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Ryuugo has his neck broken by Sakon.
- Only Sane Man: Goro.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Token Good Teammate: Arguably Goro, who doesn't even take part to the fight.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Ryuugo.
Kasanemanji Ryuu
A Ryuu focused in the use of the Kusarigama and similar chained weapons. It's also famed for managing to destroy one of the Five Dragons (strongest ryuu) in their first round.
Muraku Matsumoto
Leader of the Kasanemanji, he's a stern and cold man feared by his own men.
- Alliterative Name
- Bad Boss: Implied to be one.
- Bald of Evil: Decorated with markings.
- Blood Knight: Gets excited after fighting Gama and witnessing the Narukami in action.
- The Dreaded: His own men are scared shitless of him. The fact that he defeated one of the strongest local school probably helped.
- Enemy Mine: Briefly holds Saizo still so that Gama can remove the paralyzing needles and counterattack.
- Epic Flail
- Eye Scream: In his first fight he use his flail to smash the eyes out of his opponents.
- Face Heel Turn: Joins the Muhou Ryuu and becomes a member of Jinsuke's bodyguards.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Meaningful Name: "Mu Raku" can mean "No Pleasures", fitting his stern appearence.
- The Stoic: He's extremely serious.
Jaki and Kotaro
Two members of the Kasanemanji Ryuu, they're the first opponent faced by Gama in the second half of the tournament.
- Armor Is Useless: Averted, Jaki wears a chainmail that protects him from Gama's sword.
- Avenging the Villain: Kotaro proclaims this when Jaki is killed by Gama.
- Berserk Button: Jaki's is being called "Bastard".
- Chain Pain: Kotaro's secret weapon, Mitsuboshi (Three Stars) is composed by three chains hanging from his sleeve.
- Epic Flail: A part from their Kusarigama, they both have a secret "Deadly Weapon". Jaki has Jagon (Golden Snake), a massive spiked flail with a short chain attached to his sickle's blade.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Gama use the Kosen attack to "drill throught" Jaki's mail.
- Obviously Evil: Jaki. Is short, bald, has a mean scar and one of his eyes has black sclera and white iris.
- Oh Crap: When their boss Muraku shows up and tell them to quit their challenge.
- Those Two Bad Guys
Muhou Ryuu
A recently formed Ryuu that is made of many different styles. Their objective is to make an army of powerful soldiers to create the strongest army of all times.
Jinsuke Kurogane
Gama's father, he was the former leader of the Ogame Ryuu and infamously known as the "Killer of a Thousand Men". He left the dojo and is currently missing. However, rumors say that he'll partecipate to the Unabara Tournament. For some reason Gama and the other Ogame Ryuu warriors want him dead.
- Badass
- Badass Nickname: Doubles as Names to Run Away From Really Fast.
- Badass Cape: Is shown wearing one during the assault on the Myojin Ryuu.
- Big Bad
- Blood Knight
- Face Heel Turn: Slaughtered the entire Ogame school that didn't follow him (save for Shin, Zenmaru, Gama, Iori, and Oizumi) after becoming the leader.
- One-Man Army: Long ago he suddenly rampaged through Unabara and killed a thousand of warriors from various Ryuu and then he disappeared. Hence his nickname.
- Shrouded in Myth
- Slasher Smile: In the first volume he's shown with a demonic grin on his face.
- Take Over the World: or rather Take Over Japan: his goal.
- You Don't Look Like You: The first time he appears in a flashback he's depicted with a demonic-looking man with pointy black hair and sharp visage traits. When he's shown in the Myojin Ryuu's flashback he's shown as a calmer, more handsome man with short wavy hair (the same color as Gama it seems) and a black cape.
Ranmaru Itou
A swordmaster who's partecipating to the Tournament and desires to face Gama. he was been trained by Jinsuke Kurogane himself.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Delivers a particularly crushing one to Gama
- Cryptic Conversation: Has one with Gama.
- The Dragon: Likely to Jinsuke.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Apparently is a must when your name is Ranmaru.
- Master Swordsman
- Oh Crap: Post Time Skip, when Gama snap his sword in half.
Shimon Kudo
A warrior who has been watching over Gama during the first half of the tournament. Turns out he's working for Ranmaru.
- Affably Evil: If he's evil, that's it.
- The Dragon: To Ranmaru.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Seems to be one for Ranmaru.
- Samurai
Kai Ichinose
Zenmaru's brother, he too wields a Sadanaga blades. Ranmaru knows him, implying that he's a member of the group.
Juho Maniwa
Leader of the Second Warrior Team of the Muhou Ryuu. Appears right after the defeat of the Myojin Ryuu to reveal his plans to the Ogame Ryuu. Namely, trying to hire Gama, Zenmaru and Shinnojo and bringing Naoyoshi to Jinsuke.
- Anime Hair: Hair can't grow like that!
- Badass: Given his posistion, he has to be one...
- Beard of Evil
- Expy: Probably a coincidence, but he looks a lot like Asuma Sarutobi.
Maniwa's Squad
Three Warriors under Juho's orders.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: The one member with the scarf and long package.
- Fighting with Chucks: The fair-haired member has large nunchuks hanging from his neck.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Chu.
- Terrible Trio
Tamagakushi Ryuu
The Tamagakushi school (Musicians of the Soul)is one of the many Ryuu focused on ninjutsu and member of the "Five Dragons". They're decided to kill Naoyoshi and finish off the Ogame Ryuu at any cost.
Saizo Fujibayashi
The leader of the clan, is a young and smug warrior who looks very confident in his skills. He's determinated to show that Ninjustu is better than any martial art. He's known for a secret technique that cause paralyze his opponents.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Yup.
- Badass Nickname: "Soul Freezer" Saizou, for his paralyzing powers.
- Half the Man He Used To Be
- Improbable Aiming Skills: With his kunai.
- Ninja: His style.
- The Paralyzer: Known for a secret technique that can paralyze a person. It consist in throwing small but sturdy needles in the victim's joint and muscles.
- Smug Snake
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Green
Souen Ryuu
The Souen (Twin Flame style) ryuu of swordsmen lead by Nikaido Misaku, the "Mad Sword". They lose the second turn of the tournament, but still decides to hang around Unabara killing and maiming as much people as possible.
Misaku Nikaido
Also known as "Mad Sword" and "Destroyer of Dojo", he's a weird swordsman who loves to kill people and face powerful warriors in combat. He once destroyed Shinnojo's old dojo, the Itten Ryu but he lose an eye to the young samurai.
- Ax Crazy
- Ambiguously Gay: Has earrings and polish nails and the kimono he wears is usually associated with women.
- Blood Knight
- Cool Hat
- Dual-Wielding: His style involves two swords, giving him a powerful defense.
- Eye Scream: Shin cut out one of his eyes. He's killed when Shin stabs his other eye and then cuts open his skull with the Tanryu Hibaku attack.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: On his left eye.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Spares a young Shinnojo and taunt him to become stronger, so that he'll get more fame from slaying him. However Shin becomes so powerful that he eliminate him in a few blows.
- The Worf Effect: Despite being so hyped and feared, he managed to inflict just one tiny slash on Shinnojo's arm.
Amane and Ukyo
Members of the Souen Ryuu, easily killed by Shinnojo.
- Elite Mook
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Ukyo, on a wall, and by his own blade no less.
- Noodle Incident: We didn't see how Ukyo is defeated, but we find him impaled to a cracked wall by his own blade, and upside down to boot.
- Off with His Head: Amane, mid-sentence no less.
- The Worf Effect: So bad that Ukyo is killed offscreen by Iori in a panel.
Myoujin Ryuu
A martial arts school that specializes in Sojutsu. A style that has existed for over a hundred years and is known as one of the "Five Dragons of Unabara". The style passes down its techniques by continually handing down four unique Japanese spears to four wielders. These wielders are known as "The Four Divine Spears". While there are many 'disciples', only the four who wield one of these spears is considered a member of the Myoujin Ryuu. Fought against the Ogame Style in the Second Round.
Midou Shingo
One of the four divine spears. Wields the spear,Onidachi(Demon Splitter). He inherited the spear after his master was killed by Kurogane Jinsuke.
- Badass Nickname: "Demon Splitter" Midou Shingo
- Bigger Is Better: His Onidachi is around 3 meters long (about ten feet), and it's blade alone is 3 feet long.
- BFS: It's also pointed out that is very heavy, but does affect the morale of the enemy.
- Blade Run: Gama does this to his spear.
- Blood Upgrade: Becomes even stronger after being wound by Gama.
- Determinator: When he was training to be the successor of the Onidachi, he put all his time aside from eating and sleeping into training. To the point that he ended up doing fourty thousand strikes daily in order to train his style.
- Died Standing Up
- Lightning Bruiser: His weapon weigths 48 pounds but he can be extremely quick and swift with it.
Sakakibara Sasuke
Wields the spear Beninuki(Crimson Extractor). He became the successor after killing all of the other potential successors. Despite his cute looks, he's a mad killer.
- Axe Crazy: He's so blood-thirsty and insane that he can't even be a proper Blood Knight.
- Badass Nickname: see Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Calling Your Attacks: Chigarami (Blood Weave).
- Curb Stomp Cushion: Villainous version: he almost behead Zenmaru, but as the latter gets really serious, he start to lose pieces. Literally.
- Cute Bruiser: Looks the youngest of the foursome, but he's still deadly.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: And good riddance!
- Killer Rabbit: Oh, dear god...
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: His nickname is The Crimson Extractor.
- That's actually the name of his spear. His nickname is "Heart Ripper" Sasuke. Which doesn't make it any less fritghtening.
- Nightmare Face
- Orgasmic Combat: Look at his face as he's about to fight Zenmaru.
- Sinister Scythe/Hooks and Crooks: What makes his spear special, are the curved scythe-like prongs on the side of the blade. They also liken him to a Shinigami.
- Slasher Smile
- The Stoic: Turns into a Not So Stoic when in battle.
- Throwing Your Spear Always Works: His trump card.
- Villainous Breakdown: He starts to lose it when Sadanaga starts to chop him off.
Jinno Ichiou
The oldest of the four divine spears. Wields the Ginkan (Silver Gate Bar). Is quickly defeated in two blows by Iori.
- Bullying a Dragon: He really shouldn't have challenged Iori.
- Combat Commentator: With Banri.
- Cool Old Guy
- Curb Stomp Battle: Tries to spear Iori. Two megapunches later he's twitching on the ground with his jaw broken, almost all his teeth gone and with three shattered ribs.
- Informed Ability: His spear, unlike the others, have a simple, dagger-like blade on it. But we won't ever know what it does.
- Odd Name Out: His spears' name is probably the least threatening name ever for a weapon.
- Sole Survivor: The only one of the four divine spears to live after fighting Kurogane Jinsuke.
- The Worf Effect: Iori didn't even need his sword to beat him.
Omiya Banri
Banri Wields the spear Kuyou (Navagraha). Joins the Muhou School before fighting the Oogame school, Interested in obtaining the power of Kurogane Jinsuke
- Badass
- Badass Long Hair.
- Bishonen
- Child Prodigy: Became the successor of the Kuyou when he was seven.
- Face Heel Turn: Betrays his own comrades and joins the Muhou Ryuu.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Kills Naokatsu.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: He quit the fight against the Ogame Ryuu and declare the defeat of the Myojin Ryuu. Partially subverted as he just change his alliegancy rather than leaving.
- You Killed My Father: His father, the previous master of Kuyou, was killed by Kurogane Jinsuke. Subverted in that he doesn't seems to angry at the Muhou School.
Kannari Ryuu
One of the Five Dragons of Unabara, apparently focused on the use of the sword.
Gensai Kizaki
One of the oldest and strongest swordsmen from Unabara, he's a vicious figther who can and will kill for no reason.
- Badass Grandpa
- The Dreaded: Many in Unabara fear his name.
- Evil Old Folks: He kills and mugs people for no good reason.
- For the Lulz
- Master Swordsman: One of the strongest around.
- Mr. Vice Guy: He raid the corpses of his victims looking for money and stating that dead people don't need money anyway.
Naosada Washizu
The cruel Daimyo of Unabara. He started the tournament in order to find a worthy successor and see which style is truly the strongest.
- Big Bad: Possibly. Later gets dethroned by Jinsuke.
- Face Framed in Shadow: Always, even when his face is properly shown.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a nasty looking, badly sewn scar on his scalp.
- Large Ham: He has his moments...
- Orcus on His Throne
Naoyoshi Washizu
The main character along with Gama, he's one of the Daimyo's sons. His mother was a commoner, hence he wants to clear her name (and end his days of humiliations and suffering) by winning the tournament and becoming the new Daimyo. He hired the Ogame Ryuu for this.
- All of the Other Reindeer: He was treated badly by everyone at court because of his humble origins.
- Berserk Button: Don't insult his mother.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dude in Distress: Sort of: he's frequently targeted by his brothers and their assassins, making him in costant danger.
- Knife Nut: Wields a tanto knife as a memento from his mother.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Is much more mature and wise than his brothers.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: To his big brother Naosada in volume one. Later to Naokatsu.
- The Unfavorite
- The Wise Prince
Naokatsu Washizu
The youngest of the Daimyo's son, he's the only one among them who's nice and gentle to Naoyoshi. Hires the Myojin Ryuu to fight and slowly reveals his true colors as a sneaking bastard who actually hated his brother, but is eventually impaled by Banri.
- Enfant Terrible
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Gets Impaled with Extreme Prejudice In the Back by Banri.
- Oh Crap: When Banri tells him that he gives up.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To Naoyoshi, cementing him as a great bastard.
- Smug Snake
- Token Good Teammate: He's the only brother who's kind to Naoyoshi. Subverted.
- Villainous Breakdown: A textbook example. Also a case of Sore Loser.
Naosada's advisor, is a creepy-looking man who's in charge of the tournament. He usually explain the situation to Naosada and describes the rules of the tournament. He later ditch his master and join Jinsuke in his quest.
- The Dragon: Possibly to Naosada.
- Face Heel Turn: He's hired by the Muhou Ryuu post Time Skip.
- Mr. Exposition
- Multicolored Hair: Half black and half white.
- Obviously Evil
Agon and Hakuryu
Two assassins from an unknown Ryuu which specialize in Dual-Wielding axes. They were hired by the leader of the Tamagakushi Ryuu along with a nameless third member to kill Naoyoshi and pretend that it was a tsujigiri accident, but they're stopped and killed by Shin and Zenmaru
- An Axe to Grind: Their weapon of choice.
- The Brute: Especially Agon.
- Dual-Wielding
- Glass Cannon: Shin points out that their attack is something to fear, as an axe can shatter a katana blade. However, their defense is kinda lacking...
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Agon's Tomahawk attack.
- You Have Failed Me...: Hakuryu is spared by Shin as he wants to interrogate him, but he's killed by Saizou.