< Galactic Civilizations

Galactic Civilizations/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • The Drengin AI in this Galactic Civilizations 2 game seems to be utterly retarded. For example, it singlehandedly forces a galaxy wide peace treaty and then immediately declares war. It kills the ships defending a planet and then avoids taking it over. At the end of the game, it turned out the AI was performing The Plan all along-- if the player's race had been eliminated, the Terrans would have immediately won a diplomatic victory. Every AI race knew this and manipulated the lone holdout to their advantage. Except the part where the player researched immortality while everyone else did all this.
    • Actually, Word of God is that it was an AI glitch rather than an intentionally programmed behavior, but as a GalCiv player myself, I've noticed that there are times when said "AI Glitches" have really eerie results. One game I played I was a trade-based race who wound up allying with the space-thugs. Because my military was so weak, everyone would declare war on me without considering the fact that I had the most powerful military force as my ally. It later occured to me that I'd been playing Mafia Don to my allies. . .
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