< Gag Boobs

Gag Boobs/Playing With

The title sounded less dirty when we made this page...

Basic Trope: A character in the work has enormous breasts, to the point where they are made into a joke or mocked. Typically used for satire, or to prove a point.

  • Straight:
    • Alice has huge breasts, and as a result is usually made fun of for this and serves as the butt of many breast-related jokes.
    • Alice has to be careful when she turns around, lest she knock over a lamp /short, unawares people.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has huge breasts, and when and if she can stand is basically a laughingstock amongst her friends.
  • Justified: Alice is a standup comedian who uses her big breasts as part of her routine.
  • Inverted: Alice is the only girl with a flat chest on a show where everyone else has huge breasts. She's becomes the butt of many flat chest jokes.
  • Subverted: Alice has huge basketball shaped breasts and no cares to make a joke about them.
  • Double Subverted: ...at least, not when she can hear them anyways.
  • Parodied: Alice has average-sized breasts, but is the only girl in the work who isn't flat as a board; as a result, her boobs are treated as Gag Boobs by all around her..
  • Deconstructed: Alice desperately wants to be taken seriously but can't because of her large breasts.
  • Reconstructed: Alice has huge breasts and is the butt of many breasts related jokes from her peers. Most of the jokes are made in good fun, and Alice even joins in on occasion.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice has enormous basketball shaped breasts and gets made fun of for it, so she gets a breast reduction...but the loss of her boobs makes her an A-cup and now everyone makes fun of her for being flat. She gets breast implants and returns to her original shape and size.
  • Averted: Every character on the show is flat-chested. It's simply never discussed.
  • Enforced: "There's no way the audience would be able to take a character with that kind of bust seriously, make sure to include a lot of breasts joke in the dialogue"
  • Lampshaded: Bob: "Now stand straight, chests out..." *Alice pushes up her boobs* Bob: "Not that far out."
  • Invoked: by default, Gag Boobs imply that attention is drawn to them for parody purposes on a regular basis.
  • Exploited: See Justified.
  • Defied:
    • Despite Alice having huge basketball shaped breasts, no one makes fun of her, for fear she'll beat them up
    • Alice gets a reduction.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Alice, with boobs like that, you'd fit right in in some perverted anime show!"

Back to Gag Boobs. Look how they bounce!

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