Gadget Boy & Heather

Wow, he always had a propeller there!
Yet another short-lived spin off of Inspector Gadget, this time featuring the adventures of the bumbling inspector as a kid, known as Gadget Boy.
Along with his assistant/nanny Agent Heather, and his robotic dog G9, they fight crime and save the world from the evil villaness Spydra.
This series, created by DiC, premiered in 1995, part of a Saturday Morning block called Amazin' Adventures 2, and later aired on Toon Disney until around 2001. An educational series aired on The History Channel entitled Gadget Boy's Adventures in History in 1997 as well.
Tropes used in Gadget Boy & Heather include:
- Action-Hogging Opening
- Animation Bump Some of the episodes in the Adventures in History season are better animated.
- Artificial Human: Thanks to some Negative Continuity, some episodes imply Gadget Boy to be this rather than Inspector Gadget in his childhood.
- Badass Adorable: On rare occasions when he's actually competent fighting the bad guys, Gadget Boy can be this.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Boris, Spydra's talking pet vulture frequently speaks to the audience:
Spydra: My lovely cold-proof head sack keeps me immune to the uncommon cold!
Boris: (under his breath, to camera) And me immune to her ugly face!
- Butt Monkey: Chief Strombolli
- Creepy Twins: Mulch and Humous, Spydra's none-too-bright henchmen.
- Deadpan Snarker: Boris, so much.
- Expy: Nearly all the characters are an expy of a main Inspector Gadget character: Strombolli is Chief Quimby, Heather is Penny, G9 is Brain, and Gadget Boy is... well, that's kinda obvious.
- Evil Is Hammy: Spydra.
- Evil Knockoff: Bad Gadget Boy. Subverted in that he does a Heel Face Turn at the end of his episode.
- The Faceless: Spydra. The only time she takes off her mask on-screen (gleefully lampshading it in the process), she's polymorphed into Heather.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: In "The Time Land Forgot", you can see for a split-second a golden female statue with visible nipples.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Strombolli usually has them exposed by some means Once an Episode, usually due to something exploding.
- Hartman Hips: Heather.
- Idiot Kid Hero
- Interpol Special Agent
- Kid Detective
- Mad Scientist: Myron Dabble, creator of Gadget Boy. Okay, so he's not really mad, but hey, you've got to have a pretty odd mind to go and create a small child cyborg stuffed with hoard of elecronic equipment.
- Monster Mash: In the episode "Gadget-Stein", Spydra goes back to Geneva in 1816 and forces Mary Shelley to create an army of monsters that oddly all resemble Boris the Vulture. The monsters are a werewolf, a skeleton, a centaur, a fat humanoid, a cyclops satyr, a Bride of Frankenstein-esque monster, a gorilla, a mummy, a Loch Ness Monster, and even Frankenstein's Monster himself.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Spydra.
- Off-Model/ Limited Animation: Well, it was a DiC cartoon from the mid nineties...
- Robot Dog: G9.
- Spinoff Babies
- Taken for Granite: Apparently the face under Spydra's mask is so terrifying, anyone who sees it will turn to stone from the shock. No, you never get to see what it looks like on screen.
- Transforming Mecha: G9 can transform into just about any tool or even vehicle the team needs.
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