< Gabriel Knight
Gabriel Knight/YMMV
- Awesome Music: The whole soundtrack: among Sierra's best, including an entire libretto written for The Beast Within.
- Contested Sequel: Gabriel Knight 3.
- First Installment Wins: Whilst opinion is divided as to whether Gabriel Knight 2 or Gabriel Knight 3 was the worse sequel, it is agreed neither hold a candle to the original.
- Foe Yay: Gabriel and Von Glower... very intentionally too.
- Harsher in Hindsight: In Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, it's possible to have a conversation with the gravedigger where he outlines in graphic detail what would happen to the bodies buried in New Orleans if there was a flood, twelve years before Hurricane Katrina.
- An in-universe example, probably deliberately played up in the 20th anniversary remake, where it's far more pronounced. If Gabriel continues to bug Grace for his messages after she's read them all for him, she'll exclaim in mock melodramatic exasperation "I've given you everything I have!". Funny enough, but if you've played the whole original trilogy and know how their relationship ends up taking its toll on Grace, it's an uncomfortable bit of Foreshadowing on her part.
- While there are certainly extenuating circumstances, the scene at the end of Gabriel Knight 1 where Mosely guns down Dr. John is much more unsettling in light of the recent Police Brutality against black civilians in the US.
- Ho Yay: Plenty in The Beast Within. Specifically, von Glower's past lovers include Ludwig and von Zell, and he's clearly interested in Gabriel as well.
- Magnificent Bastard: Von Glower in the second game.
- Most Wonderful Sound: In the first game, a small piano tune appears whenever you pick some items or solve puzzles.
- Paranoia Fuel: In Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, once you find out about the Rada Codes. Then you notice the drummers stationed all over the city. You know, the ones you've probably been ignoring because they just sit there all day and drum. They're not only watching you, they're broadcasting your moves to the creepy voodoo cartel that's already left a number of messy corpses all over the city. And of course, the creepy looking guy who just stands outside the shop for two days and stares in the window.
- If you listen in on the drummer on the day after you crash the St. John's Eve conclave, the only word you can make out is "Warn". YMMV, of course, on whether it makes the Paranoia Fuel better or worse that the frightful Voodoo cult is just as frightened of you.
- Special Effect Failure: The Beast Within, when it comes to the Werewolves. They are completely computer generated and looked awful (but not in the intended way) when the game was released. The fact that the Normal wolves are depicted via video footage of actual wolves makes the werewolves look even worse by comparison. The damage is limited by the fact the wolf-form werewolves get relatively little screen time until the end.
- That One Puzzle:
- In the first game, translating and writing a message in the cemetery certainly does a mention.
- Not very many puzzles require even rudimentary knowledge of any language besides English, so even with the in-game German-English dictionary telling you all the German words you need to know, the "Drei Drachen" puzzle counts too.
- The cat mustache puzzle.
- Some players have trouble with the audio splicing puzzle early in the second game. This is mitigated a little in that, unlike the voodoo message puzzle in the first game, once Gabe gets a word correct, you're unable to remove it from the splice.
- The mime in the first game. Not only is not clear that he's anything but part of the background and that you need him to get to the motorcycle, unless you know to stick to the path, when you pass by other NPC's, he'll start following them until they read him the riot act, and he goes back to his original spot. You could be just near the bike and be forced to start all over again. For the hundredth time.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Many fans aren't happy with the results in the first game's remake.
- Uncanny Valley: The character models in Gabriel Knight 3 looked awkward and have not aged well even during the game's initial release.
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