< GE - Good Ending
GE - Good Ending/YMMV
- Angst? What Angst? -- Considering how hard he was trying to get together with Shou, he took her lying to him and getting together with another man pretty well.
- However, although nobody's feelings are spelled out in black and white, even to themselves, Utsumi did react negatively to Yuki's rejection, but only after Yuki expressed her desire to go into Shipper on Deck mode for Utsumi and Shou again, not taking into account Utsumi's feelings.
- A later arc had Utsumi suffering due to his inability to understand why Yuki is upset at him in the first place. Then again, he was unaware that Yuki misconstrued Utsumi trying to console a crying Shou at the sports camp.
- Played straight in the current mini-arc post break-up.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming -- Eri thanking Utsumi for giving her the courage to tell the guy she likes how she feels.
- Yuki comforting Utsumi after he finds out why Shou canceled their date.
- Utsumi and Oonuma's conversation.
- Oonuma telling Utsumi about what happened when she worked up the courage to talk to some girls in her class.
- Utsumi and Yuki finally becoming a couple.
- Ensemble Darkhorse -- Eri. It helps that she's the only one that has helped Utsumi without any to gain -- even if she actually approached him originally with ulterior motives in mind.
- Fan Dumb - Otaku had a fit over Shou's hickey. It got so bad that the author was forced to close her blog. More info here (site NSFW)
- If Otaku had a fit over Shou's hickey. They will go berserk with the revelation that Touro and Yuki had sex before the story even started, and he distributed the Home Porn Movie amongst his friends.
- Never mind that it was strongly hinted at way back in Chapter 11. Fan Dumb, indeed.
- If Otaku had a fit over Shou's hickey. They will go berserk with the revelation that Touro and Yuki had sex before the story even started, and he distributed the Home Porn Movie amongst his friends.
- Growing the Beard -- Arguably, Utsumi. He still retains some of his ingénue ways, and still nice to everyone to a fault, but is far more assertive.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Shou's Covert Pervert moment became even funnier after chapter 120.
- Ship-to-Ship Combat --
Only a matter of time before this starts happening.They have but nothing on a grand scale. Mostly, UxY vs UxS, those on the UxO ship are largely ignored at this point. - Unfortunate Implications -- Oonuma's weightloss and the fainting spells, which means she probably has bulimia or anorexia, or even anemia as a complication of the former.
- Unintentionally Unsympathetic -- Yuki, from chapter 87 onward..
- The Woobie -- Oonuma. After finding out why she acts the way she does, you'll want to give her a hug and a cookie. Luckily, Utsumi is there to do the next best thing.
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